Sustainable development festival
This event is over!
IUT Montpellier-Sète, bâtiment A, Amphi 2, puis parvis du bâtiment - 99 avenue d'Occitanie, 34090 Montpellier.
UNI-ECO is THE project for sustainable development on campus. Spearheaded by the University of Montpellier, in partnership with the University of Barcelona, the University of Utrecht, Trinity College Dublin and Eötvös Lorand University in Budapest, this initiative aims to build on each other's experiences to develop sustainable development practices on the 5 campuses mentioned.
Are you sensitive to sustainable development issues and would like to find out more about how you can take action on campus? Or perhaps you're involved in sustainable development at your institution or in your everyday life? Take part in the UNI-ECO Sustainable Development Fair, organized at IUT Montpellier-Sète on Tuesday May 24 from 10am to 2pm. It's an opportunity to find out more about UNI-ECO's fields of action, and in particular about the Green Challenges, projects born of the creativity and initiative of students and staff at the University of Montpellier.
You're sure to find the inspiration you need to develop your own project, and become a player in sustainable development at the University.
The Ressourcerie étudiante project will be in the spotlight, offering students the chance to drop off small items of furniture and household appliances at the event. This equipment will then be collected and redistributed to other students in September, giving them a second life. Don't hesitate to support their initiative and drop off your unused equipment.
A picnic lunch will be provided for a tasty and convivial time of exchange.