
  • Category: Photo exhibition
  • Dates : March 8 to 31, 2023
  • Location: Mende - Faculté d'éducation: couloir de la passerelle / Perpignan - Faculté d'éducation: hall du bâtiment A

By photographer and visual artist Cahuate Milk.

A new lease of life for the Flou.e exhibition, which will be presented this year in Mende and Perpignan.

17% of professions can be considered as mixed, i.e. comprising between 40% and 60% of men or women. The exhibition Flou.e highlights those who, at the UM, break away from clichés by choosing gendered professions and careers. By playing with the notions of blur and sharpness, the photographer invites us to question the preconceived ideas that determine the quality of a photo and the gender stereotypes in professional circles or fields of study.

The 13 portraits of female and male students, teacher-researchers and administrative staff challenge us: let's take advantage of their experience to break down prejudices.

Open to the general public.

More info and contact : En savoir plus | Courriel | Tél : 06 01 15 92 39

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