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Photographic series by Jean-Jacques Ader.
Vernissage on March 7 at 1pm in the presence of the photographer.
Exhibition from March 4 to 29.
Reserved for UM students and staff.

A new lease of life for the "GestuElles" exhibition, which, after Montpellier, will be presented this year in Carcassonne. This photographic series focuses on the technical gestures of twelve women working at the University of Montpellier.
In teaching, logistics, risk prevention and research, gesture is a primordial bodily sign, a sign of learning, transmission and communication, as much as of exchanging and passing on knowledge.
Actions, reactions, expressions, these photographs taken on the spot focus on details and moments, trying to reveal a poetic choreography.
In the presence of the photographer - A moment of conviviality will close the vernissage.
Further information and contact:
Further information
Tel: 06 01 15 92 39
This event is part of the 8th edition of "Donner des Elles à l'UM".

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