iCEPS "Non-drug interventions" conference
This event is over!
May 18-20, 2017 from 8:30 a.m. to 20h
CORUM Montpellier and Site St Charles
Studies are beginning to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of non-medication interventions (NMI) on users' health and quality of life. They also demonstrate social and economic benefits. Visit INM are also known as alternative medicines, complementary therapies, natural medicines, complementary therapies, unconventional treatments... They are most often offered as a complement to conventional biomedical therapies (drugs, surgery, radiotherapy, gene therapy, cell therapy, implantable medical devices).
The iCEPS Conference alternates between Montpellier and Montreal.
The congress is organized by CEPS university platform and theIBTN. It provides an opportunity to share this evidence of efficacy, to consider the best study protocols for obtaining this evidence, and to discuss the mechanisms of action and processes involved.
It proposes:
- plenary lectures ;
- poster sessions;
- professional workshops ;
- a session for the general public;
- A trade fair for NMI players;
- inter-professional meetings;
- an innovation award.