Epigenetics in development, reproduction & disease
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This conference organized by LabUM EpiGenMed will welcome local, national and international speakers to discuss three dynamic research themes:
- epigenetic mechanisms in development ;
- reproduction and transgenerational inheritance ;
- environment, metabolism and epigenetic regulation.
Keynote Speakers :
- Sarah Kimmins, University of Montréal, CA
- Robert Martienssen, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA
- Eric Miska, University of Cambridge, UK
Confirmed Speakers :
- Robin Allshire - University of Edinburgh, UK
- Frédéric Berger - Georg Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology, AT
- Maud Borensztein - Institute of Molecular Genetics of Montpellier, FR
- Ana Boskovic - European Molecular Biology Laboratory Rome, IT
- Julie Carnesecchi - Institute of Molecular Genetics of Montpellier, FR
- Giacomo Cavalli - Institute of Human Genetics, FR
- Germano Cecere - Institut Pasteur, FR
- Arnaud Hubstenberger - Valrose Institute of Biology, FR
- Patrick Jouandin - Institut de Research en Cancérologie Montpellier, FR
- Gavin Kelsey - Babraham Institute, UK
- Saadi Khochbin - Institute for the Advancement of Biosciences, FR
- Emma Kneuss - European Molecular Biology Laboratory Heidelberg, DE
- Laurent Le Cam - Institut de Research en Cancérologie Montpellier, FR
- Dónal O'Carroll - University of Edinburgh, UK
- Anne Ramat - Institute of Human Genetics, FR
- Jean-Yves Roignant - University of Lausanne, CH
- Nadine Vastenhouw - University of Lausanne, CH
Registration is free but mandatory.
Registration deadline: November 13, 2024.
Selected young scientists will have the opportunity to present their work in the form of talks and posters.
Submit your abstract here if you wish to give a talk or present a poster (you must register first to be able to submit an abstract).
Abstract submission deadline: September 15, 2024.
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