Anti-Semitism: racism like any other?
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Opening of the event by Julie Boiché, Vice-President, Corporate Social Responsibility and Racism and Anti-Semitism Officer.
Videoconference moderated by Lisa VAPNÉ, Doctor of Political Science, Associate Researcher at the French Institute of Geopolitics and Editor-in-Chief of Revue Alarmer.

In 2023, 1,676 anti-Semitic acts were recorded in France, marking a year of intensifying incidents, particularly in schools. The perpetrators of anti-Semitic acts are getting younger and younger, some as early as elementary school.
Using both contemporary and ancient images, Lisa Vapné, Doctor of Political Science, will guide us towards a deeper understanding of the roots and manifestations of anti-Semitism. She will enlighten us on the variations, constants and specificities of this persistent scourge, while awakening our consciences.
Reserved for UM students and staff.
Registration required
Further information and contact:
Tel: 04 67 14 90 16
This event is part of the Week for Combating Racism and Anti-Semitism.

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