Is global warming accelerating?
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Benjamin Sultan, climatologist at IRD and co-author of the 6th IPCC report (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), will present the results of this work at a conference on the acceleration of climate change. The conference is part of the Oreme (Montpellier Environment Research Observatory) small conferences held on the Triolet campus of the University of Montpellier.

Benjamin Sultan from Montpellier, a climatologist with the ESPACE-DEV laboratory (IRD), has been conducting research into climate variability and change, its impacts and implications for society, for 20 years. He works in partnership with numerous countries in the South (Senegal, Mali, Niger, Vietnam) and co-authored the 6th report of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), due out in 2023. He will be presenting the results of this latest work at a public conference on accelerating climate change.
The summer of 2023 saw global warming pass the 1.5°C mark, and was marked by a series of global climatic events. Is global warming accelerating to the point of making the Paris Agreement targets unattainable?
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