Technical Apéros: "GPS and positioning for observation".
This event is over!
Faculté des Sciences, bâtiment 23, amphi 23.01, campus Triolet - place Eugène Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier.
Apéros techniques de l'OREME allow informal and friendly exchanges on instruments, techniques, methodologies, software...
Topics covered include measurement techniques (field, instrumentation, etc.) and data management.
OREME's next Apéro Technique will focus on "GPS and positioning for observation", and will take place on Thursday 17/02 from 10:30 to 12:30 on the Triolet campus (bât 23, amphi 23.01).
Program :
- Simon Benhamou (CEFE): Locating animals in the wild
- Erik Doerflinger (GM): Permanent GNSS networks
- Wilfried Heintz (INRAE Toulouse): The Centipede RTK network