Presentation of the University Hospital simulation teaching platform
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Learning medical practice through simulation: "Never the first time on the patient", the example of SimHU Nîmes, the university hospital simulation teaching platform of the CHU de Nîmes and the Faculté de Médecine Montpellier-Nîmes.
Friday, March 30, 2018 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Amphitheatre n°1, Faculty of Medicine
As part of the Entretiens Nîmes-Alès March 27-30, 2018.
Practical simulation training has long been used in industry, particularly in high-risk sectors such as transport and aviation. The aim of the symposium is to explain the principles of simulation-based training in the healthcare field, its benefits for the training of professionals and patients alike, and the reasons why this practice is developing so rapidly in France today.
The recent history of the SimHU Nîmes platform and its current activity will also be presented, as will the center's planned expansion into the renovated and enlarged faculty in the medium term.
A ten-minute film, shot locally, will serve as an introduction and kick-off the debate.
A tour of the various simulation rooms, with a presentation of the equipment (including intelligent robots capable of simulating clinical situations) will be organized for the public in small groups (registration required). Finally, the public will be invited to take part in an out-of-hospital emergency scenario.
The morning will end with a discussion with the speakers in the amphitheatre.
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