Participatory science, a collaboration between science and society
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Participatory science refers to research schemes in which civil society players take part in the scientific production process.
These collaborations between scientists and citizens, between laboratories, observers and associations, take many forms and reveal a wide diversity of disciplines, players and subjects. They all share a common goal: to produce scientific knowledge through active collaboration between the scientific community and civil society.
To discuss this science and society topic, three multidisciplinary experts will be on hand to answer questions from the audience:
- Dominique Desclaux, PhD in Biology, researcher in agronomy and genetics at INRAE, co-winner of the 2022 Participatory Research Award with the "From seed to plate" program - INRAE Occitanie-Montpellier (DiaScope)
- Andrea P. Sosa Varrotti, Doctor of Social Sciences and Rural Studies, researcher in agroecology at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET, Argentina), Professor of Sociology at the University of Buenos Aires. Guest scientist at MAK'IT - Université de Montpellier
- Jean-Philippe Venot, Researcher at IRD, specializing in water and irrigation governance and policy at the Gestion de l'Eau, Acteurs, Usages (G-EAU) unit - IRD Occitania
The Bar des sciences season is co-produced by the UM's scientific culture services and its partners: INRAE, INSERM and IRD.
Admission free, subject to availability.