Partir en Livre at Montpellier's Jardin des plantes

  • Category:
  • Dates : June 22, 2022
  • Opening hours: 09:30 - 16:30
  • Location:

Jardin des plantes de Montpellier.
Free admission - On-site workshop registration.

The Scientific Culture department of the University of Montpellier is taking part in the national event "Partir en livre avec le projet LitterNature".

On Wednesday June 22, young and old alike are invited on a naturalist expedition in children's literature: literary figures and scientists come together at the Jardin des plantes to offer an innovative and exciting exploration of the friendly relationships between plants and insects.

The program includes numerous workshops for children aged 6 to 12:

Nature activities, treasure hunts, readings, scientific drawing workshops... For the occasion, authors Isabelle Simler and Emmanuelle Fugueras will be signing their children's books.