Preventing violence against women

  • Category:
  • Dates : November 24-25, 2021
  • Opening hours: 09h00 - 18h00
  • Location:

Distribution of a violentomètre / bookmark.
At the Bibliothèques Universitaires loan bank: BU IUT Béziers - BU IUT Montpellier - BU IUT Nîmes - BU Médecine Nîmes - BU Médecine-UPM - BU Odontologie - BU Pharmacie - BU Richter - BU Sciences - BU Staps.

A "violentometer", in the form of a ruler and adapted to the bookmark format, will be distributed to students when they borrow a book from the university libraries.

The "violenceometer" is a prevention tool designed to raise awareness of domestic violence. It enables users to question the nature of their relationship: is it based on consent and mutual respect, or does it involve acts of violence?

A practical tool to help you distinguish between violence and normality, and a reminder of the contacts you should use to get help: the UM's preventive medicine service and the 3919 number.

  • Further information:
    Tel: 04 67 14 90 16

This event is part of the "Journées d'actions contre les violences faites aux femmes" (Days of action against violence against women).