Rêverie#1 : Freedom, equality, adelphity
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Shared theatrical creation on the history of feminism through language.
By Cie Les Grisettes, with UM students and staff.

The culmination of the"Rêverie#1" workshop, this performance will be an opportunity to discover on stage "the history of feminism through language" as perceived and proposed by UM students and staff, accompanied by professionals from Cie Les Grisettes.
Based on a corpus of dramatic and poetic texts, as well as a collection of testimonies, this creation questions the sexism of the French language, and the political and symbolic choices made in the past.
A moment of conviviality will close the performance.
Open to all audiences.
Limited number of places: registration required
More info and contact:
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Tel: 04 67 14 48 34
This event is part of the 8th edition of "Donner des Elles à l'UM".

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