European Week for Sustainable Development, campuses: all circular!

  • Category: "Why we cycle" screening & awards ceremony on October 10
  • Dates : September 19 to October 10, 2024
  • Opening hours: A 18h
  • Venue: Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier - Amphi Mousseron, 240 Av. du Professeur Emile Jeanbrau, Montpellier

As part of the European Week for Sustainable Development, the Bureau de la Vie Étudiante (BVE) at the University of Montpellier is launching an environmentally-friendly challenge! From September 19 to October 10, students and staff alike, get on your bikes and take part in an initiative that combines health, soft mobility and protection of the planet.

Through this challenge, the BVE and the University of Montpellier aim to encourage the use of bicycles as an eco-responsible means of transport, while raising awareness among the university community of the challenges of sustainable mobility, a key theme of the European Week for Sustainable Development. Register for free on our partner's application, accumulate kilometers cycled, and track your performance in real time!

Every pedal stroke is an action in favor of reducing your carbon footprint, while contributing to a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle. A prize will be awarded to those who cover the most kilometers. More than just a reward, it's a way of taking part in a dynamic that's firmly rooted in health and soft mobility!

Screening: "Why we cycle" & awards ceremony

In collaboration with ENSCM, the University of Montpellier invites you to a screening of the documentary "Why We Cycle" on October 10, accompanied by a meeting with one of the directors.

This film explores the many benefits of cycling in urban environments, from health and freedom to trust between cyclists and drivers. It also highlights the reasons why the Netherlands is one of the most cyclist-friendly countries in the world. At the end of the screening, the Bike Challenge prizes will be awarded!

Screening and awards ceremony on Thursday, October 10 from 6pm, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier, Amphi Mousseron, 240 Av. du Professeur Emile Jeanbrau, Montpellier.

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