NUMEV MIPS seminar "RNA design: Difficult but exemplarily combinatorial".
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RNA design: Difficult but exemplarily combinatorial
Yann Ponty
Research Director CNRS - LIX, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
RNA design is a discipline of computational biology that aims to produce RNA sequences targeting a predefined function. Design targets a wide variety of objectives, for example: encoding a given amino acid sequence; optimizing translation levels; escaping degradation by nucleases; exposing specific recognition sites for interaction with partners; adopting alternative conformations depending on the presence or absence of metabolites. From a computational point of view, RNA design can generally be approached as a random search/generation of sequences presenting/avoiding motifs, compatible with one or more structures, or adopting a predefined structure as a unique energy-minimizing conformation (aka reverse folding). Most of the associated problems are difficult in the sense of complexity theory ((NP/#P)-hard), but are highly relevant in practice and undoubtedly deserve to be approached from the perspective of the science of society.
In this talk, I will present an overview of the field and the relevance of key computational problems in the context of healthcare and synthetic biology. This work is based on multiple collaborations including (but not limited to) Danny Barash, Théo Boury, Laurent Bulteau, Cédric Chauve, Alain Denise, Stefan Hammer, Alice Héliou, Jan Manuch, Bertrand Marchand, Ladislav Stacho, Wei Wang, Sebastian Will, Hua-Ting Yao...

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