A l'UM la science [S02-ep27]: From local food policies to biologging
This week on A l'UM la science, Coline Perrin, a geography researcher at the Innovation laboratory, talks about the role of food policies in relations between town and country. Then the report takes us to Sète, where the Center for Coastal and Marine Research has just opened its doors. Finally, the last three minutes feature Agnès Lèbre, astronomer and deputy director of the Observatoire de recherche montpellierrain de l'environnement (Oreme). A program broadcast on Divergence FM- 93.9 every Wednesday at 6pm.

In 2014, following the promulgation of the future law for agriculture, food and forestry, the metropolis of Montpellier was the first in France to launch its own agro-ecological and food policy, P2A. Its aim: to offer healthy, local food to as many people as possible, and to support the local economy and agricultural and agri-food employment. In ten years, the number of winegrowing farms in the metropolitan area has fallen from 703 to 299, and over 84% of farms in the area are currently without a successor. P2A is also about preserving the region's landscape and natural resources, adapting to climate change by limiting greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting social cohesion, particularly the links between town and country.
Since then, the idea has gained ground across the country, and is now being rolled out more or less everywhere in the form of TAPs (territorial food projects). Back in 2015, the Metropole signed the Urban Food Policy Pact in Milan, alongside around a hundred other cities around the world. In 2019, it will host the 5th summit of this pact, bringing together over 200 cities. But how can these multitudes of local projects really change the relationship between town and country? That's the question we put to our guest today. Coline Perrin is a researcher at Inrae in the innovation laboratory. She has taken a closer look at the relocalization or reterritorialization of food policies, focusing on TAPs.
In the second half of the program, we head for Sète, where the Celimer coastal and marine research center has just opened its doors on the Ifremer site. Laurent Dagorn from the Marbec laboratory takes us on a tour of the biologging platform, a technique for marking animals with tags to track their movements.

Finally, the guest for the last 3 minutes is Agnès Lèbre, astronomer and deputy director of the Observatoire de Research Montpellierrain de l'Environnement(Oreme), who will be presenting a conference on the environmental impact of digital technology on June 26 at 2pm on the Triolet campus.
At UM la science you've got the program, let's go!
Coproduction: Divergence FM / Université de Montpellier
Animation: Lucie Lecherbonnier
Interviews : Lucie Lecherbonnier / Aline Périault
Reporting and editing: Lucie Lecherbonnier
Production : Naomi Charmetan
Listen to the program "A l'UM la science" on Divergence FM 93.9

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