Call for training projects 2023 and leave for pedagogical projects (CPP)

The University of Montpellier launches a call for projects for training 2023.

This program includes 3 calls:

AAP-PEI (I-SITE excellence program)

Focused on raising awareness and training students in the challenges of the ecological transition, transforming teaching practices and experimentation, supporting interdisciplinarity in curricula, supporting artistic and cultural initiatives in training
Open to UFRs, Schools, Institutes and ENSCM, as well as I-SITE partners.


Continuing on its path of promoting pedagogical initiatives and innovations, the University of Montpellier and its partners are launching a call for PEI Formation 2023 projects, which will focus on two main areas:

  • The first axis, in line with the UM's values and signature around the major societal challenges of "Nourish, Care, Protect" and in connection with the conclusions of the Jouzel report, will focus on raising awareness and training students in the challenges of the ecological transition.
  • The second focus will be on enriching curricula and teaching practices, and will be divided into three parts:
    1. support for the transformation of teaching practices and educational experimentation
    2. support for interdisciplinary curricula
    3. support for artistic and cultural activities in training courses


  • Complementary hours for tenured professors and research professors
  • Fixed-term contracts (CDD) required to implement the project (contract BIATS, temporary teaching staff excluding ATER and ATE)
  • Operating costs directly related to project support
  • Small items of equipment costing around €1,500, in compliance with public procurement rules (e.g. computer, public works equipment, etc.).
  • Missions
  • External and specialized professional consultations, subcontracting, services
  • Training courses for actors and actresses
  • Costs of communicating, promoting and disseminating pedagogical innovation
  • Initiatives to share and disseminate teaching experience


  • The teaching teams of the UFRs, schools and institutes of the I-SITE consortium
  • Project leaders planning actions involving digital pedagogy or pedagogical transformation must contact their DSIN or SCSIP beforehand.

Projects are submitted exclusively by the directors of UFRs, schools or institutes, who rank in order of priority the projects originating from their component or establishment. Applications must be submitted in PDF format, using the attached template.


Resources will be allocated taking into account five main factors:

  • Pedagogical impact, and in particular the relevance of the project to the challenges of the course concerned
  • Feasibility of project implementation
  • The project's impact on the University's visibility and influence
  • The ability to transfer the proposal to other courses, components, ....
  • The respective sizes of the 19 entities involved (UFR, schools, institutes; ENSCM; Institut Agro Montpellier; CIHEAM-IAMM)

Project duration: the project can start as soon as it is notified in 2023, and must be completed by the end of the 2024 calendar year.

Wherever possible, projects will be assessed by external experts.

The evaluation committee will be chaired by the VPFVU and composed of the VP delegated to digital training, the SCSIP director and SCSIP experts, DSIN-SUN experts, a representative of Institut Agro Montpellier, and a representative of ENSCM.

For axis 1, the committee will be completed by the VP in charge of environmental issues.
For axis 2, the committee will be completed by the head of the Art § Culture department.


  • Publication of call for projects: December 14, 2022
  • Application deadline: March 9, 2023 before 12 p.m.
  • Results and fund allocation: end of April 2023


The budget allocated to the three actions of this call for projects is €630,000. Successful projects will be eligible for funding in calendar years 2023 and 2024.

N.B.: 3 calls for projects (PEI, CNUMF, PROPEDA) are launched according to the same schedule. A project can only be submitted to one of these calls.

In support of calls for projects, teachers and research professors can submit requests for pedagogical project leave (CPP).

We would like to draw your attention to the need to promote parity between men and women in I-SITE calls for projects.

AAP-PROPEDA (UM institutional program)

Focused this year on helping new students succeed
Open to UM's UFRs, Schools and Institutes


Many factors contribute to student success, and the University has set up a number of programs to support them (refresher courses, tutoring, revision weeks, etc.). In order to consolidate existing schemes* and experiment with new ones, the University is launching a call for PROPEDA projects to support first-time students. In particular, projects will aim to help students adapt to university requirements and methodologies, including disciplinary ones, boost their motivation and learning techniques, etc.

*excluding tutoring, which has its own budget


  • Complementary hours for tenured professors and research professors
  • Operating costs directly related to project support
  • Missions
  • External and specialized professional consultations, subcontracting, services
  • Training courses for actors and actresses
  • Costs of communicating, promoting and disseminating pedagogical innovation
  • Initiatives to share and disseminate teaching experience


  • The teaching teams of UM's UFRs, Schools and Institutes
  • Project leaders planning actions involving digital pedagogy or pedagogical transformation must contact their DSIN or SCSIP beforehand.

Projects are submitted exclusively by the directors of UFRs, schools or institutes, who rank in order of priority the projects originating from their component. Applications must be submitted in PDF format, using the attached template.


Resources will be allocated taking into account four main factors:

  • The quality of the proposal in terms of experimentation or consolidation of tried-and-tested approaches, and the stakes involved in terms of student success in the course concerned.
  • Feasibility of project implementation
  • The ability to transfer the proposal to other courses, components, ....
  • Respective sizes of UFRs, schools, institutes and component establishments

Project duration: the project can start as soon as it is notified in 2023, and must be completed by the end of the 2024 calendar year.

Wherever possible, projects will be assessed by external experts.

The evaluation committee will be chaired by the VPFVU and will include the VP for Digital Training, the SCSIP director and SCSIP experts, DSIN-SUN experts and off-site experts.


  • Publication of call for projects: December 14, 2022
  • Application deadline: March 9, 2023 before 12 p.m.
  • Results and fund allocation: end of April 2023


The budget allocated to this call for projects is €150,000. Successful projects will be eligible for funding in calendar years 2023 and 2024.

N.B.: 3 calls for projects (PEI, CNUMF, PROPEDA) are launched according to the same schedule. A project can only be submitted to one of these calls.

In support of calls for projects, teachers and research professors can submit requests for pedagogical project leave (CPP).

We would like to draw your attention to the need to encourage parity between men and women in PROPEDA calls for projects.

AAP-CNUMF (digital training program)

The "Numérique au service de la formation" call for projects is open from December 14, 2022 to March 9, 2023 before 12 noon. It is structured around 4 types of project:

  1. Production of new advanced digital teaching resources 
  2. Digital technology for evaluations (peer assessment, skills assessment, etc.)
  3. Bimodal teaching hybridization 
  4. MOOC 


Leave for educational projects (CPP)

The campaign for the allocation of leave for pedagogical projects (CPP) follows the same timetable as the calls for projects. However, it remains independent of the AAPs and the success of an AAP. In other words, it is possible to submit a CPP project that is not linked to a response to an AAP. Success in an AAP does not automatically lead to the award of a CPP, as the award procedures follow separate circuits.

Galaxy Portal

General information

A project can only be submitted once to one of these calls.

The timetables for these AAPs are the same:

  • Publication of call for projects: December 14, 2022
    • Submission: no later than March 9, 2023 before 12 noon
      Reminder: applications must be approved by the supporting structures before submission (see application form).
    • Results and fund allocation: end of April 2023

 The procedures for submitting applications are different:

If you have any questions: e-mail.

To help you set up your project, don't hesitate to contact the Service Commun de Soutien à l'Innovation Pédagogique (SCSIP) or the Service des Usages du Numérique (SUN) at DSIN.