In short, they're in Networks and Telecommunications!
There are six of them. They are apprentices in their second year of Networks and Telecommunications at the IUT in Béziers. Their teacher asked them to take part in the "Je filme ma formation"[1] competition. They filmed their training. They didn't expect to win. But they did.
Using the famous " Bref " format, Flavien, Florian, Oriane, Joris, Bastien and Edouard, six students on a sandwich course in "Networks and Telecommunications" at theIUT in Béziers, won a Gold Trophy in the national " Je filme ma formation " competition. It all started with a proposal from Frédéric Comby, their networks teacher, which the small team accepted essentially " for the fun of it ".
Quickly done, (very) well done!
Bastien and Florian, fans of the Bref series, suggested adopting this format, " very short, very fast-paced, which allows us to give a lot of information without boring people and, above all, while making them laugh ", explains Oriane. Divided between classes and work in the company, time is running out for the six students, who have only their evenings to improvise as videographers. " In the end, it was a week before the deadline that we really got started," says Joris. A script and camera plans written in two days. The shoot was completed in one evening, and Florian (the video's main character) was able to edit the video in record time!
Their video then joins the 279 others selected from 450 French establishments. Due to the health crisis, the awards ceremony, usually held at the Grand Rex, was held without an audience. So it was via their webcams and in their own homes that they experienced the moment. " We could see that our video was pretty good, but that didn't mean we had to win," says a surprised Bastien.
A " real source of pride " for Philippe Pujas, Director of theIUT de Béziers, who was also won over by the humorous, modern tone of a video that doesn't hesitate to play with geek clichés: " It illustrates very well the way we run the IUT, the closeness we have with our 550 students". This victory is a great boost for a little-known course about which "it's not easy to communicate ", adds the director. The reason for this is a lack of understanding of the professions in the Networks and Telecommunications sector: " the public and students immediately think of an Internet box repairer, whereas it's much richer and more technical than that," continues Philippe Pujas.
" We're a bit behind the scenes in IT," comments Oriane, who is doing her apprenticeship with the Nîmes urban community in cyber security. Bastien and Joris have turned their attention to telephony. "I work for Téléconcept and specialize in sick calls in retirement homes and hospitals ", explains Joris. " I install and maintain telephony networks in companies," continues Bastien, who works for Alliance Télécom.
30,000 jobs to be filled
It's a sector where companies are advertising over 30,000 unfilled jobs, yet only 1,500 students graduate each year," laments Philippe Pujas. There's a real recruitment problem linked to the lack of visibility of these professions. We also have difficulty recruiting girls, even though this is not a gendered activity. Against this backdrop, the IUT hopes that this national showcase will not only showcase the IUT and apprenticeships, but also inspire young people to take up the profession.
As for our six videographers, although their training will come to an end next August, the film doesn't stop there. Engineering school for Oriane, a professional degree for Bastien or mobility abroad for Joris, all scenarios are possible for a happy ending already programmed!
[1] The competition is organized by CanaldesMé under the patronage of the Ministry of National Education and Youth, the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.