Shanghai 2023 thematic ranking: the University of Montpellier, ranked 2nd worldwide in ecology, features 8 times in the TOP 100!
In August 2023, the University of Montpellier confirmed its place among the world's top 200 universities in the overall Shanghai ranking. The thematic rankings have just been published, and this year the UM features eight times in the top 100, and occupies second place worldwide in ecology. Already recognized for 7 years as one of the world leaders in this field, these good results demonstrate UM's ability to meet international demands for excellence in research and training, based on the main pillars of its I-SITE excellence program: nourish, care, protect.
Published on October 27, 2023 by Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China), this international thematic ranking analyzes and ranks the world's top universities according to their academic subjects. More than 50 subject areas (natural sciences, engineering, life sciences, medicine and social sciences, etc.) are listed and analyzed. Based on performance criteria such as university publications, impact, international dimension and quality of research, as well as international prizes and awards, this ranking places the University of Montpellier among the world's top universities for the 7th year running.
The University of Montpellier in the world's top 100 in 8 fields!
The University of Montpellier particularly stands out in 8 fields, ranking 2nd worldwide in ecology, just behind the prestigious University of Oxford.
In the field of "agricultural sciences", the UM ranks 19th worldwide and 1st nationally. It also ranks 46th worldwide for "water resources", making it the leading French university in this field.
It also ranks among the world's top 75 universities in the following fields: "remote sensing", "statistics", "food science and technology" and "biotechnology" (ranked 3rd in France), behind Paris-Saclay Université and Université Paris Cité.
"I am delighted to see the University of Montpellier once again distinguish itself among the world's top universities in these different fields. While these good results demonstrate, year after year, the scientific excellence of our university and the ambitious policy pursued in conjunction with research organizations as part of our I-SITE excellence program, they also highlight the talent and significant investment of our teams of researchers and teacher-researchers, whom I would like to congratulate," declares Philippe Augé, President of the University of Montpellier.
In addition to these good results in the Shanghai rankings, the UM also stands out in a number of international rankings.
In THE Ranking Impact: "Times Higher Education", the UM is in first place among French institutions and among the 101-200 best institutions worldwide. The UM is in the world's top 100 for 4 Sustainable Development Goals, and in first place in France for two of them, in line with the establishment's major themes: food, care and protection. It is the leading French establishment for goals relating to health, well-being and the reduction of inequalities, as well as the leading French establishment for the goal relating to aquatic life.
The University of Montpellier maintains its status in the CWTS Leiden Ranking. This ranking, which provides important information on the scientific performance of over 1,500 major universities worldwide, is based on scientific publications and their citations. In the 2023 world ranking of most cited publications (+10%), published on June 21, the University of Montpellier moved up 3 places compared with 2022, from 7th to 4th place among the 30 French universities included. It is also the country's No. 1 university in the "Life and Earth Sciences" field, in terms of both total number of publications and the "Top10%" criterion. This remarkable national positioning is also reflected on a European scale: the University of Montpellier is in 9th place for the volume of publications (12th for the "Top10%") in the "Life and Earth Sciences" field, and 59th (54th for the "Top10%") for all scientific fields combined.
According to the Reuters ranking of the most innovative universities, the University of Montpellier is the leading French university and ranks 17th in Europe.
Practical information:
Shanghai ranking: here