Conference-debate "Climate neutrality, the challenges of agro-ecological transition" with Christian de Perthuis and Patrice Burger
As part of the "Rendez-vous de l'Eco" series, the Faculty of Economics at the University of Montpellier is organizing, in partnership with Midi Libre, a conference-debate on the theme: "Climate neutrality, the challenges of agro-ecological transition" on Tuesday April 02, 2024, starting at 6:00 pm, at the Faculty of Economics' Richter Campus. Christian de Perthuis, professor at Paris Dauphine University, founder of the Climate Economics Chair, and author of "Carbone fossile, carbone vivant. Vers une nouvelle économie du climat", and Patrice Burger, founder and director of the Centre d'actions et de réalisations internationales (Cari) association, will be the speakers at this conference.

Why this conference?
"In just a few years, the goal of climate neutrality has become the long-term target for climate change mitigation policies worldwide. To reach this goal, our societies must undergo a twofold transformation at full speed. On the one hand, we need to accelerate the pace of the low-carbon energy transition, in order to get rid of fossil fuels, which are responsible for around 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions. On the other, we need to initiate the agro-ecological transition, which is the main lever for strengthening natural carbon sinks and effectively reducing emissions from agriculture. One of the greatest challenges in building a carbon-neutral world will be to coordinate these two transformations, which involve play different logics.
- Christian de PERTHUIS, Professor at Paris Dauphine University - Founder of the Climate Economics Chair, author of "Carbone fossile, carbone vivant. Towards a new climate economy".
- Patrice BURGER, Founder and Director, Association du Centre d'actions et de réalisations internationales (Cari)
Practical information
- Date: Tuesday, April 02, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
- Venue: Faculty of Economics, Richter Campus, Amphitheatre C001
- Compulsory registration
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