David Resillas Olguin // Delegate for the international organization Youngo at COP 22

David Resillas Olguin - 25 years old - Born in Mexico City - Montpellier resident for 7 years - Diploma in preparation: Master 2 in international business engineering at FdS Montpellier and IAE Montpellier.

He is taking part in "COP 22" currently being held in Marrakech. Delegate for the international organization Youngo, David Resillas wants to make the voice of the world's youth heard. And to influence these crucial debates that will affect the future of our planet.

"I'm doing an internship in cyber security at a company in Montpellier".

[ Would you like to introduce yourself in a few words? ] - I'm David, I'm 25 and I'm finishing my studies at the University of Montpellier. I'm currently doing an internship in cyber security at a company in Montpellier. I'm part of the UM association EDDA, Etudiants pour un Développement Durable Associatif, where I take part in environmental, cultural, social and economic projects. Within this association, I've been able to meet extraordinary people and live some sick experiences, both in France and abroad.
My latest involvement in this association led me to discover how the UN and all its members are committed to finding solutions to the climate challenge. For me, it was an unforgettable experience.

"Time to devote to life's little pleasures".

[ Your passions? Your hobbies? ] - The beach, travelling, dancing, playing soccer and guitar. I really enjoy these summer times, when there's plenty of room and time to devote myself to life's little pleasures.
[ Your studies ] - Two years of undergraduate studies in fundamental physics at the Faculty of Science, L3 in science and technology management atIAE, Master 1 and Master 2 in business engineering atIAE Montpellier, and an exchange semester during M2 at HTW Berlin University, Germany.

"I have great hope for another way of life that is more responsible for other living species and new generations".

[ You're one of the UN's climate negotiators. What hopes do you have of making the voice of the younger generation heard at COP22? ] - I have great hopes, which are justified by the actions that many young people are taking around the world, around solutions for the climate, for sustainable development and ultimately, for another way of life more responsible for other living species and new generations. I'm one of these young people, and I'm very happy to be part of this fundamental movement, the results of which we're beginning to see more and more.

"I get around by bike

[ Your typical day ] - Wake up at 7am, sport and chocolate, orange juice and banana omelette. Then, for the past few months, my days have been pretty busy with my internship. I work near Cap Oméga, so I get around by bike. Lunch with friends, and if I'm lucky, a trip to the beach. Then it's back to work until early evening. That's when the freedom starts, and so does the improvisation. If I've got sports scheduled, I'll do them, and if not, I'll meet up with friends, get active for EDDA, and so on.
[ Your favorite place at university? ] - The Jardin de la Route des Papillons between buildings 13 and 14 is, unfortunately, currently under construction.
[ Your favorite place in Montpellier? ] - From the top of the Corum, you have a great view of the surrounding area, refreshing your mind and spirit.
Discover the adventure of David, the voice of the world's youth in the climate negotiations: Climate: when young people speak out

Call for witnesses: If you too would like to take part in our presentation of students at the University of Montpellier, write to us.
