# La Science s'aMuse: From tomorrow's connected home to technologies of the past
Welcome to the program co-produced by the University of Montpellier and Divergence-FM, which takes you on a cruise through the laboratories of the Muse archipelago. For this program, we invite you to meet Anne-Sophie Cases, professor at theInstitute of Business Administration and new coordinator of HUTHuman at home project, who will talk to us about the future of connected living.
In the second half of the program, the In the engine room section takes you back in time with the Patstec collection. Audrey Theron introduces us to the UM's contemporary scientific and technical heritage. Enjoy the show!
Hello and welcome to this stopover on our scientific cruise. So, forget your swimsuits and sunglasses - it's freezing cold and we're staying dockside today! We'll be cozying up at home, and that's just as well, because this week we're talking about home. Home sweet home, but in its futuristic version.
The habitat we don't want
For a little over two years now, Montpellier has been the scene of a unique experiment: testing the connected habitat of the future to learn how to better protect ourselves and, above all, the famous data we generate in our now-connected daily lives. Each year, two students are selected to live free of charge in this ultra-connected apartment-observatory, enabling a multidisciplinary consortium to use all the data collected for research purposes. Far from being a technological experiment, this Human at home (HUT) project is a human challenge. We explain it all to you with HUT's new coordinator, Anne-Sophie Cases, who is also a professor atIAE Montpellier and a specialist in digital marketing.
In the lab attic
In the second half of the show, climb into our DeLoréan and take a leap into the past thanks to our colleagues from culture and scientific heritage. Audrey Théron introduces us to the Patstec collection , whose mission is to safeguard contemporary scientific and technical heritage. Computers from the 80s, scales of all kinds, unusual and precious teaching instruments, old engines, typewriters, cameras and more... Surprises and wonder guaranteed.
La science s'aMuse, you've got the map, let's get on board!
Coproduction: Université de Montpellier and Divergence-fm
Animation: Lucie Lecherbonnier
Interview: Aline Périault and Lucie Lecherbonnier
Reportage: Aline Périault and Lucie Lecherbonnier
Listen to the "A LUM LA SCIENCE" program on Divergence FM 93.9