[Liftoff #3] Towards the science contest

Xavier Garric is a researcher at the Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron and co-founder of the start-up Womed, which develops an intrauterine medical device to combat infertility. In order to devote more time to his company, he is taking advantage of a scientific competition. He tells us about it in the " Décollage " video series proposed by the University of Montpellier's Department of Innovation and Partnerships (DIPA).

Founded in 2018 in Montpellier and winner of the I-Lab Grand Prix, start-up Womed has developed a highly innovative medical device: a polymer film that repairs the uterine wall and helps combat the risks of mechanical infertility in women. The result of collaboration between the Artificial Biopolymers Department (IBMM ) and the gynecology-obstetrics department of the CHU de Nîmes, this project followed the Satt AxLR maturation program through to the industrial development of its prototype.

Xavier Garric was able to count on DIPA's support in negotiating and setting up all the contracts, as well as for his scientific assistance. A scheme " that allows you to dedicate part of your university time to scientific advisory activities within the framework of this company ", explains the researcher, who takes advantage of this video to offer two pieces of advice: " Don't be afraid of the unknown, because when you set out to create a company, there are lots of things you don't understand, so you have to go for it ". Secondly, " communicate and explain your research project to all DIPA staff, so that you can show them what the project is all about, and so that they feel involved, because it's a race against time!"

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