ExposUM Doctoral Nexus: 2024 thesis topics open for applications
What is ExposUM Doctoral Nexus?
The Doctoral Nexus proposed by the ExposUM Institute are networks of 3 to 4 PhD students from different disciplines, affiliated to at least two different research units.
Compared with a traditional thesis, taking part in a Doctoral Nexus will foster the ability to work in a team and design projects in a transdisciplinary way, while deepening one's own field of expertise.
A specific pedagogical program will be offered, and doctoral students will also have the opportunity to organize a seminar within the Nexus network.
Theses are funded from the outset for 4 years, including the doctoral student's salary and an environmental allowance.
On the following page, you'll find the ExposUM Doctoral Nexus projects awarded in the AAP Doctoral Nexus 2024.
How to apply?
The specific application procedure is described in the thesis topics. Interested candidates are invited to submit their application before April 21, 8 pm.
Thesis topics open for application:
EMIPSA Nexus "Epidemiology and evolution of infectious diseases in age-structured populations".
- Topic 1 "Evolution of pathogen life-history strategies: infection age, heterogeneity and plasticity"
EMIPSA topic 1 Lion EN
EMIPSA topic 1 Lion FR - Topic 2 "Dynamique évolutive des populations structurées dans un régime de mutations faibles : application à l'épidémiologie"
EMPISA topic 2 Mirrahimi FR - Topic 3 "Within-host epidemiological and evolutionary dynamics of malaria"
EMIPSA topic 3 Demasse FR
EMIPSA topic 3 Demasse EN - Topic 4 "Preparing the critical care system for future health crises"
EMIPSA Topic 4 Sofonea EN
EMIPSA Topic 4 Sofonea FR
Nexus SECS "Society & Social Environment in the Face of Suicidal Behaviors)".
- Topic 1 "Assisted dying Social acceptability, societal demand, paradoxical injunction?"
SECS topic 1 Vialla FR - Subject 2 "Social Neurosciences: Inflammatory and painful Responses to Social Stress in Suicidal Behaviors"
SECS sujet 2 Courtet FR
SECS sujet 2 Courtet EN - Topic 3 "Modelling the suicidal gesture according to healthcare consumption, link with pain and consumption of analgesics"
SECS topic 3 Molinari FR
Nexus PYPHAS "A global characterization of PFAS activity and elimination in drinking water".
- Topic 1 "Coupling nanofiltration and highly effective and stable membranes for electrooxidation of persistent pollutants in water"
PYPHAStopic 1 Mendret EN - Topic 2 "Understanding of mechanisms and pathways of PFAS degradation by electro-oxidation in drinking water"
PYPHAStopic 2 Cretin EN - Topic 3 "Effect of PFAS on intestinal tumorigenesis"
PYPHAStopic 3 Cavailles EN
Nexus EXPAIR "Development of innovative sensors for measuring EXPosure to pollutants in AIR to unravel cardiorespiratory effects."
- Topic 1 "Development of photoacoustic sensors to assess pollutant environment and exhaled breath pollutant exposure"
EXPAIR topic 1 Vicet EN - Topic 2 "Impact of the internal exposome assessed via exhaled air analysis on the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems during chronic exposure to emerging pollutants."
EXPAIR topic 2 Gouzi EN - Topic 3 "Impact of external exposome focusing on air pollutants on cardiorespiratory health under real-life conditions"
EXPAIR topic 3 Kase Tanno EN
Nexus COCKTAIL "Development of an advanced airway\u0002on-a-chip model to study the effects of a cocktail of pollutants and respiratory viruses on lung tissue"
- Topic 1 "Using an advanced 'airway on a chip' model for studying the effects of exposome on lung tissue"
COCKTAIL topic 1 De Vos EN - Topic 2 "Development of original biophysical tools to evaluate the combined effect of pollutants and viruses on model lung tissue"
COCKTAIL topic 2 Massiera EN - Topic 3 "Studying respiratory virus infections of bronchial airway epithelium models exposed to pollutants"
COCKTAIL topic 3 Muriaux EN