The JANE, for Journées d'accueil des nouveaux étudiants, originally scheduled for September 21 and 22 at the Jardin des plantes, was finally cut by one day due to the weather. But that didn't stop new students from coming to the event to pick up some useful tips. Here's a look back at this annual gathering of student associations, university management and cultural partners, with UM student vice-president Amal Qobaa.
No one dared to believe it on that grey Thursday morning, but the Jane, for Journées d'accueil des nouveaux étudiants, was indeed held at the Jardin des plantes on September 22. Although the first of the two days had to be cancelled due to rain, this shorter version was nonetheless a success, thanks to the many stands set up in the Jardin's aisles. " People often tend to reduce student integration to the activities of the Bureau de la vie étudiante (BVE) or student associations. In reality, university life is much broader, encompassing the activities of the central departments and numerous cultural and social partners. This day gives students an overview of all their potential contacts," explains Amal Qobaa, student vice-president at the University of Montpellier.
Every year, this truly collective mobilization contributes to greater success and a better quality of life for students at university. " We often see them hesitate in front of the stands, a little embarrassed. But when you've just arrived somewhere, there's no such thing as a stupid question - it's normal not to know," observes the young vice-president. You have to be daring and take advantage of this unique opportunity to get information and answers to all your questions. What ' s more, it's a really fun atmosphere and a unique venue! To relive the day, we invite you to take a look back in photos at the three stand villages and Amal Qobaa's comments.
Feeling like a student at the UM
" As soon as you enter, the goodies come into play. These items are a way for students to show their pride in belonging to the University of Montpellier, and this sense of belonging is important for feeling good about their studies. "
At the entrance to the Jardin des Plantes, the first students await their turn to receive the traditional goodies and discover the three villages of stands.Distribution of goodies by the Bureau de la vie étudiante (BVE): Health KIT, pens, bamboo cutlery, BVE T-shirt and a tote bag to collect all the information brochures received during their journey through the 3 villages.Here it is, here it is! The invaluable UM student guide produced by the BVE and the Communications Department. The essential tool for discovering the University campus and organizing your cultural, sporting or social student life. Download it here.Students from the Med'ley association provide the musical backdrop as they arrive at the stands.
The village of departments and services
Amal Qooba: " Around ten university departments and departments are present at the Jane every year. By meeting students directly, they can inform them about the services or workshops they offer throughout the year, such as stress management or linocut workshops. They can also explain their missions within the school, as well as acronyms such as DVC (Direction Vie des Campus), or SFC (Service de la Formation Continue), which students can then find in their guidebook. "
Within the UM's Village des Services et Direction, the Observatoire du suivi et de l'insertion professionnelle des étudiants (SCUIO-IP) provides students with information on the UM's range of training courses, and offers student contracts to help carry out Osipe surveys.The International Relations Department also offers goodies and job offers.Welcome Week, a week-long event to welcome international students, is back for its 4th edition. An opportunity to discover the activities offered by the International Relations Department.The steering department took the time to explain to students the actions deployed by the UM as part of its commitment to the ecological transition.Caroline Loup and Véronique Bourgade from the Department of Scientific Culture and Historical Heritage inform new students about the department's activities and present some specimens from the UM's many scientific collections.The team from the university healthcare center and its new director Jeremy Estèves were on hand to talk health.
Student associations to suit all tastes
Amal Qobaa: " The Jane is an opportunity for student associations on campus to present their activities, explain what it means to be a member of an association at the University of Montpellier and, of course, recruit new members. "
Among the student associations, of course, are the guilds, including the Montpellier midwifery students' association and the famous faluchards and faluchardes de médecine.The Neuroscience Association of the University of Montpellier during the traditional tour of the University of Montpellier president Philippe Augé, accompanied by Alexandre Vernhet, vice-president of the board of directors, and Agnès Fichard-Carroll, vice-president in charge of training and student life.Student associations are also committed to LGBTQI+ rights and values with Narval-UM.Musicians, the Université de Montpellier symphony orchestra is recruiting!After the effort, the comfort with the association Licorne which proposes to the students to meet around board games and role-playing games.The Magnus association and its dragon Eldur offer life-size games!Want to do something for the environment? The CLOPE association invites you to take part in major campaigns to collect cigarette butts for recycling.Before moving on to the cultural village, an ice cream break with "les frérots givrés"...Before moving on to the cultural village, an ice cream break with "les frérots givrés"...
Culture on every floor
Amal Qobaa: " This village brings together all our cultural partners such as theaters, museums, cinemas, the various schemes dedicated to young people, whether from the city, the Region or the Crous... This section aims to present all the services available to students as well as cultural venues, as many are new to Montpellier."
The Diagonal cinema, the Théâtre des 13 vents, the Cinemed festival... all are on hand to help students make the most of their cultural studies.We hadn't forgotten about the "art and culture" and "campus life" departments, but it was only natural that they should find their place in the "culture village", offering a host of workshops for both male and female students. These included collage, drawing, linocut, ceramics, comics and computer-assisted music.We hadn't forgotten about the "art and culture" and "campus life" departments, but it was only natural that they should find their place in the "culture village", offering a host of workshops for both male and female students. These included collage, drawing, linocut, ceramics, comics and computer-assisted music.The Crous stand gave new students the chance to discover all its services, including its cultural offerings, such as the Yoot card, which offers preferential-rate ticketing.A privileged partner of the UM, MOCO presented its artistic ecosystem combining training, production, exhibition and mediation, thanks to the combination of an art school and two contemporary art centers.