Days of action against violence against women

Far from tolerance or resignation, the University of Montpellier is pursuing its commitment to the fight against violence against women. To mark the international day on November 25, it will be offering a variety of events with a single objective: to understand the root causes of such violence, so as to prevent it and put a stop to it.

"Do you want to know why she was killed? She got killed because she was a girl. That's all. She was a girl." Taken from the multi-award-winning film "La Nuit du 12" (The Night of the 12th), which was inspired by a true story, this sentence sums up everything that drives us and underpins our actions against violence against women. 

They take place everywhere: on a street in the evening, a place of deep intranquillity according to the studies, or in the very heart of one's own home, unconscious because drugged, as in a recent case. The university is a place where we must and can equip ourselves to prevent and proscribe them, from the most serious to the most ordinary.

Awareness-raising booths, screenings of "La Nuit du 12" and self-defense workshops will punctuate the three days, as will a round-table discussion based on students' views on the notion of consent, the possible introduction of which into law is the subject of debate: reflection, cohesion and action are more than necessary if we are to move towards greater equality and respect.

On the program:

Mental, emotional, verbal and physical self-defence workshop

Workshop - reserved for female UM staff
From November 25, 2024 to January 20, 2025
Mondays from 12:15pm to 1:30pm
Campus Triolet - Bât. 3 - Salle des ateliers - Montpellier

Awareness-raising stand

Exchange / meeting
November 25, 2024
11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Campus Triolet - bât. 38, (S)pace - Montpellier

Snow White, willing or victim?

Round table
November 26, 2024
12:15 to 1:30 pm
By videoconference

"The night of the 12th

November 27, 2024
7 to 9:30 p.m.
Richter Campus - Maison des Étudiants Aimé Schoenig - Montpellier

Useful contacts :

At the University of Montpellier :

Outside the University of Montpellier :

  • Violences femmes infos: 39 19 (free, anonymous call). 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Stop the violence: here.
  • Portail de signalement des violences sexistes et sexuelles : here.
  • Police alert by sms: 114.
    National toll-free number for people who are deaf, hard of hearing, aphasic or dysphasic. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Pharmacies: where victims of violence can raise the alarm.
  • Center d'information sur les droits des femmes et des familles (CIDFF):
    Listening sessions with a psychologist and legal advisor.
    Contact your local CIDFF.
  • Montpellier police headquarters social worker:
    Mme Fatiha Bounoua, 06 74 94 49 73.
    Victim support and police/medical services interface.

This event is organized by the Quality of Life at Work Department - Campus Life Division.