The new version of the European Charm-EU master is here!

Registration for the transdisciplinary European diploma supported by the Charm-EU alliance opens in February 2025 to students holding a bachelor's degree in any discipline. Discover the changes proposed in this new version.

International, trans-disciplinary, in tune with the challenges facing society... Taught entirely in English, the "Global challenges for sustainability" diploma is all the more reason to take an interest in sustainability in all its complexity. Thanks to this new version (currently being accredited), which will open for registration in February 2025, the diploma will be awarded jointly by the nine European universities belonging to the CHARM-EU alliance.

This new two-year version of the European diploma, recognized in France as an institutional diploma conferring the grade of Master, carries 120 ECTS credits and is open to all graduates holding a Bachelor's degree, whatever their discipline, and demonstrating a C1 level in English. Other new features include a possible fourth theme dedicated to energy and sustainable cities during the specialization phase, as well as the opportunity to complete a 2-4 month internship in a private company, public institution, NGO or research laboratory.

Find out more about the courses and how to register on the CHARM-EU website.