# La Science s'aMuse: From the cost of invasive species to CIRAD's xylotheque
Welcome to La Science s'aMuse, the scientific program co-produced by the UM and Divergence-FM, which takes you on a cruise through the archipelago of Muse laboratories. This week, Jean-Michel Salles, economist at CEE-M, and Rodolphe Gozlan fromIsem talk about the cost of invasive species. In the second half of the program, Patrick Langbour takes us on a tour of CIRAD's xylotheque.
And I hope this long weekend did you good. Did you smell that little perfume? The scent of longer days, warming sunshine and crackling barbecues. Summer what? Swimming, vacations and, of course, the inevitable ballet of Palavas' new tourists running from the terraces when, at 7 p.m. sharp, a squadron of tiger mosquitoes assail them. Does it make you laugh? It makes me laugh too. But the other story is that of the restaurant owner for whom the worst sting will undoubtedly be the impact of these pesky bugs on his balance sheet. And the bill may be a lot higher than you think.
For the first time ever, scientists from the CNRS, IRD and Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle have delivered the most comprehensive estimate of the costs generated by invasive alien species. And hang on to your hats, because here again, it stings: they would amount to nearly 1,300 billion dollars in the space of 40 years. Their study was published in the prestigious journal Nature on March 31. Our guests today are co-authors of this paper. Jean-Michel Salles is an economist at CEE-M (Center for environmental economics, Montpellier). He specializes in environmental economics and biodiversity economics. The second is with us by telephone, and is an ecologist atIsem (Institut des sciences de l'évolution) Rodolphe Gozlan.
In the second half of the program, the report En salle des machines takes you to CIRAD, where Patrick Langbour shows you around a collection that's sure to impress. The BiowooED xylotheque !
To find out more :
- Read the CNRS press release
- Read the study: High and rising economic costs of biological invasions worldwide. Christophe Diagne, Boris Leroy, Anne-Charlotte Vaissière, Rodolphe E. Gozlan, David Roiz, Ivan Jarić, Jean-Michel Salles, Corey J. A. Bradshaw and Franck Courchamp. Nature, March 31, 2021.
- Another news item from Franck Courchamp and his colleagues: Does science only speak English?
- Press articles :
La science s'aMuse, you've got the map, let's go!
Production : Université de Montpellier/Divergence FM
Animation : Lucie Lecherbonnier
Interview and report: Aline Périault/Lucie Lecherbonnier
Editing : Lucie Lecherbonnier
Production : Bruno Bertrand
Listen to the "A LUM LA SCIENCE" program on Divergence FM 93.9