Africa, one of our priorities

Among the major events of 2021, the hosting of the New Africa-France Summit in Montpellier on October 8 is a unique opportunity for the University of Montpellier and its partners in the MUSE (Montpellier University of Excellence) I-SITE project. It's an opportunity to illustrate why and how Montpellier's ecosystem of higher education, research and innovation is a veritable gateway between the African and European continents.


And it's through 4 scientific days, organized ahead of the Summit that the University of Montpellier and its partners have chosen to honor the strong and concrete partnership between the African and Montpellier academic communities. The Montpellier Global Days will take place from October 4 to 7, 2021, in person and online, and will welcome researchers, teacher-researchers and experts from France and all over Africa. This is an eagerly-awaited highlight for researchers and teachers from Montpellier and their African partners, who see it as recognition of their commitment.

Montpellier's long-standing ties with Africa

The University of Montpellier and its partners in the I-SITE Montpellier Université d'Excellence (MUSE) have made Africa an international priority. This is not a recent development, since the density of partnerships and exchanges with the Mediterranean basin, and more generally with the whole of Africa, goes back centuries. Today, this is due in particular to the presence in Montpellier, alongside the university, of French and international research and teaching institutions particularly focused on partnerships with the southern Mediterranean (Cirad, IRD, CGIAR, Ciheam). These long-standing ties are now reflected in a wide range of research, innovation and training collaborations, as well as in the diversity of academic activities undertaken to meet the challenges of the environment, food and health. In terms of training, for example, the Montpellier university site welcomes an average of 5,000 African students every year, including 400 PhD students. These future young researchers are looking to the future, and are determined to pursue this collective dynamic on the African continent.

Montpellier, a gateway between Europe and Africa

To feed, care for and protect, Montpellier's entire academic and scientific ecosystem has mobilized to support and promote the capacities of African institutional players in research, higher education and vocational training, and innovation, in conjunction with international institutions. " The University of Montpellier and its I-SITE MUSE partners are now recognized as major players in strengthening links between African, French and European academic communities, " says Philippe Augé, President of the University of Montpellier. He adds: "Montpellier has positioned itself to support our African partners in building a collective intelligence for tomorrow's world ".

A federative dynamic built up within the MUSE I-SITE project and supported by the University of Montpellier, ranked in the top 200 of the world's best universities, which has mobilized the site's 6,000 researchers and teacher-researchers to respond in particular to three major and interdependent challenges of the United Nations Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change: Feed - Care - Protect. These major challenges for the planet are also part of the construction of an internationally recognized university, which is why François Pierrot, Executive Director of the I-SITE MUSE, comments that " hosting the New Africa-France Summit in Montpellier is a form of recognition for the University of Montpellier and its partners, who are key players between the two continents in higher education, research and innovation ".

Montpellier Global Days for Science, Education & Innovation: Africa 2021!

"Montpellier Global Days is a 4-day event dedicated to higher education, training, research and innovation, showcasing our partners and the wealth of scientific and academic collaborations. Experts, researchers and project leaders will share their work, thoughts and commitments around 6 themes: International Health - One Health, Agroecology, Biodiversity, Water, Food Systems and Technologies to Feed, Care and Protect during parallel sessions on the first two days. The following two days will focus on cross-cutting and forward-looking discussions, with a particular emphasis on strengthening partnerships and structuring expertise and forward-looking capacity to meet the challenges posed by the MUSE project, in terms of science, innovation and the economy. " These days will certainly enable us to show what we are doing in relation to the African continent, but above all they will be an opportunity for dialogue and co-construction, with an eye to the future ," sums up Patrick Caron, UM's Vice President for International Relations.