The university care center at the rendezvous
The Montpellier University Healthcare Center helps students to combine their studies with their health. all the needs of students and accompanies them on their healthcare journey. Meet the CSU team, whose services are more than ever in demand.
Medical and psychological support combined with a warm welcome and attentive listening - that's what the University Health Center offers Montpellier students. We are a medical center for students," explains CSU Director Olivier Jonquet. We 're a medical center for students," explains Olivier Jonquet, director of the CSU," for all students", as the doctor, who is concerned about the health of these young people, makes clear. It doesn't matter whether you're at university, BTS or a state or private school, as long as you have a student card, you're welcome here. " The CSU is an inter-institutional service, offering care and a health pathway tailored to the needs of Montpellier's students," adds Stéphanie Gally, the center's administrative manager.
Care is provided by a 14-strong team, " 10 UM staff and 4 CHU staff, for a total of 6.8 full-time equivalents ", explains Stéphanie Gally. Comprising general practitioners, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and physiotherapists, the medical and paramedical team is backed up by an invaluable medico-administrative support unit, which helps young people who are sometimes lost in the administrative maze, and assists them with social security affiliation or access to complementary health aid. A crack team that meets high demand: " 2,900 medical consultations and 850 paramedical consultations for the 2019-2020 academic year alone ", explains the administrative manager.
Comprehensive medical care
It has to be said that the CSU has it all. With their student card and theirsocial security and mutual insurance certificates, patients don'thave to pay a thing, thanks to full third-party payment," explains Olivier Jonquet. What's more, theyreceive an appointment within 48 hours of their request. This fast turnaround is particularly well-suited to students' often modest wallets.
Whether they need a vaccination, a medical certificate, a small suture, a prescription, a screening, or even yoga or meditation sessions, students can turn to the CSU, which will welcome them in its four medical offices, two of which are accessible to people with reduced mobility. "And whennecessary,we refer them to a specialist at the CHU, who willseethemwithin avery short time," adds Olivier Jonquet.
Speed and convenience are important assets for Dr. Abel Perraudin, who provides general medical and gynecological consultations: " 40% of medical consultations concern gynecology, and more than two-thirds of our patients are female students. When you see how long it takesto get an appointment with a gynecologist in the private sector, it'simportant to know thathere they'll see a doctor quickly, and at a lower cost, bearing in mind that the average price of a gynecological consultation elsewhere is 50 euros". She adds: "We can prescribe contraception, andeven perform medically induced abortions .
Psychiatric and psychological support
The University Health Center also provides psychological and psychiatric support, in collaboration with Professor Philippe Courtet and the University Hospital. These services are in high demand at a time when the pandemic is having a major impact on students. " They are sometimes far from home, weakened,deprived of their usual jobs, and there is a real student malaise that can be felt in our consultations," worries Stéphanie Gally. " The demand for psychological follow-up has doubled, andwe now have a 10-15 daywait to see a psychologist at the CSU," adds Olivier Jonquet. And this despite the hiring of an additional psychologist.
To meet these growing needs, the CSU wants to further strengthen mental health care, by increasing the time of clinical psychologists and psychiatrists, as well as stress and anxiety management workshop slots. " We also want to create a Bureau d'Aide Psychologique Universitaire or BAPU," explains Olivier Jonquet. This consultation center will be open to all students seeking psychological help, and will be staffed by a team of psychotherapists - psychiatrists and psychologists - social workers and an administrative service. " The number of sessions will not be limited, and follow-up will be provided for as long as the student feels the need," reassures Stéphanie Gally.
In the meantime, the doors of the CSU are wide open to them, and students can be sure of rapid and competent care. And as an added bonus, a smiling welcome and good humour are always on hand.
- In practice :The CSU welcomes students by appointment Monday to Friday, 10am to 2pm and 3pm to 6:30pm. Go to 8 rue de l'école normale (opposite the FDE, in the former premises of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie) with your student card, carte vitale and complementary health insurance card.
Tel: 04 11 28 19 79
5 years in the service of student health
The University Care Center was created in September 2016, at the time supported by the Comue Languedoc-Roussillon. Since January1, 2020, the CSU has been administratively attached to the University of Montpellier on behalf of the site policy. Since September 2018, it has been housed in dedicated, fully renovated premises at 8 rue de l'école normale in Montpellier.
The CSU complements the services offered to students by the Service commun de médecine préventive et de promotion de la santé (SCMPPS).