UM, the first university to be awarded both the "Equality" and "Diversity" labels
The University of Montpellier is the first university to be awarded the "Gender Equality" and "Diversity" labels by Afnor Certification.

This double label covers all UFRs, schools, institutes and central services, and testifies to the UM's strong, ongoing commitment to equality and diversity. This distinction is the mark of the University's involvement in the implementation of policies and concrete actions aimed at reinforcing an inclusive and egalitarian culture. These include the gender equality plan, the disability master plan, and the quality of life at work plan, which aim to improve working conditions and foster an inclusive environment for all.
To this end, the University regularly organizes awareness-raising events, such as "Donner des Elles à l'UM" or days against violence against women, LGBTphobia and racial and anti-Semitic discrimination.
With this double label, the University of Montpellier confirms its determination to go beyond legal requirements and place inclusion at the heart of its institutional strategy, positioning itself at the forefront of equality in higher education. The award of these labels is in addition to other accolades such as THE Impact ranking and the HRS4R label (European Human Resources Strategy for Researchers), which testifies to the UM's determination to meet international human resources standards.