Machines that save

From April 30 to May 22, the Faculty of Medicine welcomes the exhibition "The lifesaving machines" by Austrian Reiner Riedler, as part of the 16th edition of Boutographies.
A key figure in contemporary photography, Reiner Riedler is once again in Montpellier, after a notable visit in 2006.
Acclaimed worldwide for his "Fake holidays" series, which questioned our consumerist relationship with tourism, the Austrian photographer returns this year with a work devoid of all artifice. A sober, yet powerful look at machines, indispensable aids to the practice of medicine. Yesterday's machines and today's machines take on an unexpected dimension under the eye of the photographer, whose images draw attention to the aesthetics of these inanimate heroes. Boutographies' guest of honor offers a backlit portrait of medical practice, coupled with a reflection on illness and the contemporary condition of the human body. It's also a reflection on the increasingly inescapable role of machines in the practice of medicine.

Focus on Boutographies
For the second year running, Boutographies takes over La Panacée, the center for contemporary culture housed in the former Royal College of Medicine. For three weeks, the crème de la crème of international photography meets in Montpellier for a show that this year focuses on the German-speaking world. Open to both documentary work and the visual arts, Boutographies offers viewers an exhaustive panorama of contemporary photographic creation. In addition to the central event at La Panacée, a dozen "hors les murs" exhibitions can be discovered in the galleries associated with the event. Alongside the exhibitions, encounters, screenings and readings will punctuate a festival that has made openness to all horizons its trademark since its birth in 2001.

"The lifesaving machines" by Reiner Riedler

April 30 to May 22 - Daily, 1pm to 5.30pm - free admission
Faculté de Médecine - 2 rue de l'Ecole de Médecine - 34000 Montpellier