Organization of the 5th international workshop on Aedes albopictus, held at the Corum in Montpellier.
Wednesday May 11 to Friday May 13, 2022, the key initiative on infectious risk and vectors (RIVE), supported by the University of Montpellier, is organizing an international congress on the tiger mosquito, in partnership with the Occitanie Region, Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole and the Institut de Research pour le Développement. The conference will bring together over 120 international researchers and public health professionals, all specialists in the tiger mosquito, from 20 different countries. For this event, Clare Hart, Vice-President of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, responsible for International Relations and European Cooperation, Catherine Choma, Director of Public Health, ARS Occitanie (Ministry of Health) and Philippe Augé, President of the University of Montpellier, will be speaking at the Corum.
In the space of 20 years, the tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, has become a health nuisance and an enormous public health problem worldwide, due to the viruses it can carry. It is present in tropical and temperate zones in Asia, the Americas, Africa and Europe, in over 150 countries and territories. In Europe, it has been reported in over 20 countries. In France, it is a real scourge on Reunion Island and Mayotte. In France, it has already been responsible for the transmission of the dengue, zika and chikungunya viruses, and is now present in 65 départements, where it continues to spread.
Over the course of three consecutive days, the 120 specialist researchers and public health professionals will present the latest research findings on the tiger mosquito, its genetics, biology and distribution, as well as innovative solutions for controlling it.
8 study sessions on the tiger mosquito, over three full days
On Wednesday May 11, three sessions will take place over the course of the day.
- "New advances in phylogeny, evolution, genetics and genomics": presentation of new advances in phylogeny, genetics and genomics of the tiger mosquito.
- "Virus-vector interactions": interactions between vectors and viruses.
- "Development, Physiology, Ecology, Behaviour": development, physiology and behaviour of the tiger mosquito.
On Thursday May 12, three sessions will also be offered during the day.
- "Surveillance (distribution and resistance): Geographical distribution of the tiger mosquito, and resistance to insecticides.
- "Control tool development and field evaluation.
- "Public Health perspectives on tiger mosquitoes.
On the final day of the event, Friday May 13, two sessions will take place.
- "Public health concerns, management of control, market point of view": presentation of different public health concerns, management of tiger mosquito control, market point of view.
- "Aedes albopictus control in Europe: what is missing? learning from other territories? Aedes albopictus control in Europe: what is missing? learning from other territories?
Practical information:
Date : Wednesday, May 11 to Friday, May 13, 2022
Detailed schedules and programs at: