NAGOYA Protocol: universities at the heart of ABS approaches
The University of Montpellier implements the regulations governing access to genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge, and the sharing of benefits arising from their use (ABS) as part of its research and development activities.
Respecting the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), avoiding bio-piracy, and above all committing to good cooperation and benefit-sharing practices with all our partners are strategic issues for our establishment. Our approach is part of a practice of responsible research and administrative simplification for implementation as close to the field as possible.
Since 2018, UM has launched several actions internally and with its partners:
- Creation of an ABS unit within the establishment, with the appointment of a scientific referent and an administrative ABS referent, and an internal commission bringing together all the expertise available within the UM's departments.
- Set up an inter-institutional committee with I-site MUSE partners (UM, CNRS, INRA, IRD, CIRAD, MSA, IFREMER) to network, share information and harmonize internal procedures that will coexist in the research units.
- Acquisition of expertise through participation in training days and networking: training day with the FRB and national parks; working meeting on collections with the MNHN.
- Organization of awareness-raising events: "Premiers Pas sur l'APA" conference in partnership with the FRB.
The internal procedure is available on the UM's ENT, and is currently being tested in collaboration with a few pilot research units.