Relationship between science and society: "It's our role to sow seeds".

Listen to scientific tales about the work of researchers at the University of Montpellier, take part in a geocaching-scientific game, or follow a geolocalised walk... All this will soon be possible thanks to the "Science with and for society" label awarded to the UM for its UM VIA des sciences project, endowed with 680,000 euros by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research.

Isabelle Parrot received some very good news at the end of June. The vice-president in charge of science-society relations learned that the University of Montpellier had just been awarded the "Science with and for Society"(SAPS) label. " A label that distinguishes and rewards all the work already accomplished by our university in disseminating scientific culture at regional level ", congratulated Philippe Augé, President of the UM.

An innovative partnership

The 2021 research programming law is the first to make the relationship between science and society a full-fledged dimension of scientific activity. " If popularization had given way to a less pejorative and more open terminology of dissemination of scientific, technical and industrial culture, this is now included with co-research under the term science with and for society ", says Isabelle Parrot. To distinguish the strategic projects of university sites, the Ministry has set up the SAPS label.

While the UM's first two applications failed to make the podium, the third is the right one, with the UM VIA des sciences project. Its strength lies in an innovative set-up with the Montpellier metropolis, the fruit of " many exchanges with the media library network and scientific culture department, but also with the department responsible for ecological mediation, and therefore with the zoo and the ecolibrary ", enthuses the vice-president.

Via Domitia

With an endowment of 680,000 euros over 3 years, this label will enable the UM to strengthen existing initiatives and perpetuate new ones. " The name UM VIA des sciences refers to the famous Via Domitia, which crosses the region and was the source of numerous cultural, scientific and technical exchanges that influenced the future of knowledge and culture. The UM's project reflects the same ambition to develop scientific culture in the region, and is based on three principles: visibility, impetus, inclusiveness and audacity.

To ensure the visibility of the sciences, " a map of staff involved in science-society relations will be created, in conjunction with the map of research skills to be set up by the Department of Structuring Programs. It will be accompanied by an annual meeting seminar, which will provide an opportunity to point out that we offer training in the dissemination of science ", explains the vice-president, who has also proposed the creation of a SAPS UM prize to recognize the involvement of research staff in the dissemination of knowledge.

The project also aims to create a diary of scientific, technical and industrial culture activities, linked to the metropolitan area's contributory diary, to improve "the influence and visibility of these activities ".

Drive and Inclusiveness

The second ambition of the UM VIA des sciences project is to " strengthen mature and emerging scientific, technical and industrial culture and participatory science initiatives aimed at young people, such as LitterNature, Nounours, Univerlacité or cordées de la réussite ". The aim is threefold: to combat scientific mistrust, to enlighten public debate, and to reinforce the idea that science is a common good that contributes to social cohesion.

" We're aiming for greater inclusivity in the dissemination of knowledge, by reaching out to new audiences," emphasizes Isabelle Parrot. Who do we want to reach? Inhabitants of working-class neighborhoods who don't take the trouble to go to the sciences, or geographically remote areas such as Lozère, France's least populated department. " By deploying nomadic scientific culture initiatives, the university comes to them ".

Moving towards greater inclusivity also means improving access to some of the UM's flagship events, for example by offering sign language translation for the majority of Science Bars, compared with two today, or for films at the Sud de Sciences festival.


The third path of the UM VIA des sciences project, the one that will mobilize the largest share of this new budget, is boldness. " In a metropolis where 50% of the population is under 34, it's our role as a university to sow seeds and dare to experiment with innovative schemes," emphasizes Isabelle Parrot.

The first bold project is to translate the work of researchers into storytelling form. " In a post-Covid era when researchers are being asked to be accountable, we're proposing that research should tell tales. Once upon a time, research was carried out on... " feeding, caring and protecting. We have chosen to base our scientific tales on the three pillars of our research identity ".

Track game

For older kids, UM VIA des sciences is betting on a geocache-cache project for teenagers and families, inspired by the famous game Cluedo. " Except that instead of Colonel Mustard, we'll have famous scientific characters who won't be in the office or library, but in the Jardin des Plantes, or on the Alexander Grothendieck forecourt, for example. A life-size treasure hunt that could be offered by the Tourist Office, or even used by schools.

Third and last of these daring projects: the creation of a geolocated walk, aimed at students and young adults, with scientific quizzes created by students for students, under the guidance of their teacher-researchers.


"All these projects, built in conjunction with our partners in the metropolis, are intended to be deployed and sustained beyond the Science with and for Society label," explains Isabelle Parrot, who sees further ahead in time, but also in space, with the hope that these projects will radiate beyond the region to be exported nationally and even internationally.