Week against racism and anti-Semitism
March 25-29, 2024.

Unfortunately, taking action against racism and anti-Semitism is still a topical issue, and the University, pursuing its long humanist tradition, must do its utmost to affirm and defend respect for diversity. For all our students, staff and partners, we want our campuses to be, more than ever, caring places where people's origins, appearance and beliefs do not give rise to discrimination, and where complete equality of treatment applies. A week of intense action lies ahead, inviting each and every one of us to reflect on how we can combine our multiple identities to form a society. Together, let us rejoice in our differences, for they contribute greatly to the richness of our University.
Philippe Augé, President of the University of Montpellier.
Julie Boiché, Vice-President, Social Responsibility and Racism and Anti-Semitism Officer.
The "Week against racism and anti-Semitism" agenda

Guided tours of the "Y'a pas bon les clichés" exhibition - on video
The exhibition that teaches how to deconstruct racist prejudice.
New slot: Monday March 25 - 12.30 pm > 2 pm, with poster designer Ali Guessoum.
Monday March 25 - 8 pm > 9.30 pm, with poster designer Ali Guessoum.
Thursday March 28 - 12.15 pm > 1.45 pm, with author Joëlle Cuvilliez.

"Blacks in France
March 27, 2024 from 7pm to 9pm.
Montpellier - Campus Richter - Maison des étudiants Aimé Schoenig.

"Where I come from, where I'm going".
March 28, 2024 8-10pm.
Carcassonne - Cinéma CGR - Le Colisée.

"Discrimination in hiring: how to avoid it when applying for an internship, a work-study program or a job?"
Round-table discussion.
March 28, 2024 from 5:30pm to 7pm.
Montpellier - Campus Triolet - Bât 36, amphi 02.

"Anti-Semitism: racism like any other?"
March 29, 2024 from 12:30 pm to 1:45 pm.

"The fight against racism and anti-Semitism
The choice of university libraries.
From March 25 to April 19, 2024.
Campus Triolet at BU Sciences Montpellier and Campus Richter at BU Richter.