Support for research 2022
The " Support for Research 2022 " call for projects is the first to be launched following confirmation of the I-SITE label obtained by the University of Montpellier. For 2022, the Strategic and Structuring Investments Committee(COMIS) has decided to maintain the general guidelines of the 2021 call for projects, while adding a component to support the acquisition of equipment. This call for projects therefore comprises 2 components: ERC springboard & innovation gas pedal and scientific equipment.
- Official opening: May 10 (Reminder - Pre-announcement made to DUs on April 18, 2022)
- Submission of proposals by Unit Managers: before July 05, 2022, 12:00 pm
- Final decisions by COMIS: first half of October 2022
- Project start-up: first half of November 2022
Following on from the 2021 call for projects, the "Support for Research 2022" call for projects focuses on short-term projects (maximum 18 months), with two ambitions:
- A) the emergence of projects likely to lead to submissions to the ERC ;
- B) boosting finalized research that could lead to future maturation programs.
The choice of these orientations should be seen in the context of the overall expectation of the I-SITE programs to make initiatives of excellence levers for other forms of support or openings to the socio-economic world.
How to submit
Projects from each unit are submitted exclusively by the Unit Directors (DU). Applications must be submitted in PDF format, using the attached template: UM_ISITE_2022_SoutienRecherche_ERC_INN_Modele a complèter.
Amount available
The total amount available is around €3 million, including around €2 million for "Springboard to the ERC" projects and around €1 million for "Innovation Accelerator" projects.
Eligible expenses
Salary of a young researcher (valued according to the UM salary scale, currently between €49 k and €53 k/year) or research engineer or design engineer (valued according to the UM salary scale, currently between €34 k and €55 k/year, depending on recruitment level and experience) for a maximum period of 18 months; research costs expressly justified by the project, up to a maximum of €50 k (reminder: laboratory "management costs" are not eligible).
Selection procedures
Resources will be allocated taking into account two main factors:
- The scientific excellence of the candidate and his/her team;
- The credibility of the project with a view to a future ERC submission (type A) or future (pre)maturation (B).
The evaluation committee will be made up of scientists from the site (members of the University of Montpellier's Research Commission and representatives of the partners in the strategic agreement that unites the 16 I-SITE member institutions), and scientists from outside the site. The final decision will be taken by the COMIS.
Number of "ERC springboard & innovation gas pedal" projects per unit
DUs are called upon to moderate the number of dossiers submitted according to the following scale:
Number of titular E-Cs and Cs in the unit | Maximum total number of projects |
1 | |
≤ 60 | 2 |
≤ 100 | 3 |
> 100 | 4 |
- Official opening: May 10 (Reminder - Pre-announcement to DUs: April 18, 2022)
- Submission of proposals by Unit Managers: before July 05, 2022, 12:00 pm
- Final decisions by COMIS: first half of October 2022
- Project start-up: first half of November 2022
As a complement to the recent MUSE programs, which have contributed to the development of multi-disciplinary research, sometimes for long-term projects, the present program aims to support research structures and platforms accredited by institutions in their policy of equipment for research.
How to submit
Projects are submitted exclusively by Unit Managers (only one application per unit). Applications must be submitted in PDF format, using the attached template: UM_ISITE_2022_SoutienRecherche_EQP_Modele a completer.
Amount available
The total amount available is close to 800 k€.
Eligible expenses
This scheme can cover the purchase of equipment as well as expenses strictly necessary for its installation.
Nota bene: for accounting purposes, equipment purchased for a unit under UM supervision must (with a few exceptions) be provided by the UM and not by one of the other co-supervisors.
Selection procedures
Resources will be allocated taking into account two main factors:
- The scientific impact of the facilities (differentiating them from other sites in France; necessity and relevance in terms of research challenges);
- The structuring nature of the equipment, assessed by the number of laboratories or teams involved.
Priority will be given to proposals for which co-financing has been secured and for which the funding requested will enable an acquisition to be finalized.
Applications will be assessed by a multidisciplinary committee, and must therefore be made relevant and understandable to specialists and non-specialists alike. The final decision rests with the COMIS.
COMIS: committee set up in the UM statutes to work with I-SITE partners on joint management of the resources provided, in particular, by the Investissements d'Avenir and France 2030 programs.