Support for international mobility - PEI [CLOSED]
As part of the I-SITE Program of Excellence, the University of Montpellier is launching a call for projects entitled "Support for international mobility - EXPLORE #4", with the aim of promoting international exchanges and collaborations, enhancing the attractiveness and visibility of the site, and helping to structure new initiatives. [This call is closed].

The "EXPLORE#4 2022" call for projects is the first to be launched following confirmation of the University of Montpellier's I-SITE label, and as part of the I-Site Program of Excellence (P.E.I). This call for projects has 2 components: (1) support for individual incoming or outgoing mobility and (2) support for collective outgoing mobility.
This call for projects is designed to encourage international exchanges and collaborations, enhance the attractiveness and visibility of the site, and contribute to the structuring of new initiatives. The program is part of an overall project to build the university of tomorrow, which will remain open and non-exclusive. Therefore, any project exploring new international collaborations, meeting the general conditions and objectives of this call for proposals and presenting significant added value for the P.E.I., may be considered for funding, including for agents whose themes do not directly correspond to the three pillars of Nourish, Care and Protect.
Collaborative projects with selected universities and partners
As in previous editions, the EXPLORE#4 international mobility program shows a marked but non-exclusive preference for collaborations with the P.E.I.'s preferred universities or partners - including non-academic ones - as well as the UM's partners in the CHARM- EU project. Applications may also draw on the existing facilities of P.E.I. members active on the international scene (see list below).
This 4th edition of the EXPLORE program includes two distinct schemes, of interest to teachers, lecturers, researchers, doctoral students, engineers, technicians and administrative staff.
1 Individual inward and outward mobility
- for the exploration of new international collaboration projects by :
- Doctoral students, to help them prepare a post-doctoral professional project
- Teachers, professors-researchers, researchers (tenured or under contract at the time of the mobility period)
- Engineers, technicians or administrative staff (tenured or under contract at the time of the mobility period)
2 Outgoing collective mobility
To develop new international collaborations (educational, academic and/or scientific) for a group (maximum 5 people) from research and/or training structures within the P.E.I. perimeter (teachers, teacher-researchers, researchers, PhD students, engineers, technicians or administrative staff). The aim of these collective mobilities is to set up a training cycle, build an international institutional partnership and/or develop a structuring research project.
Applications must be submitted in PDF format and named as follows NomPorteur_EXPLORE4 before December 2, 2022 (12:00 Paris time) by email.
- Full application form
- Letter of support endorsed by the director of the applicant's teaching and/or research institution, or by the supervisor in the case of administrative staff
- Letter of invitation from the director of the host teaching and/or research establishment
Incomplete applications will not be examined.
Allocated resources
The financial envelope allocated to the EXPLORE#4 program is €420K.
Mindful of the planet's climate challenges, APP EXPLORE#4 encourages beneficiaries to reduce their impact and, whenever possible, to opt for less polluting modes of transport (train versus plane).
Financial support is available for stays ranging from a minimum of 5 days (excluding travel days) to a maximum of 30 days.
As in previous editions, the EXPLORE#4 international mobility program shows a marked, but not exclusive, preference for collaborations with the I.E.P.'s preferred universities or partners - including non-academic ones - as well as partners in the CHARMEU European alliance.
Geographic zones and target countries are presented here: strategic partnerships - MontpellierUniversité d'Excellence (
Université Laval, Québec (Canada), University of California Davis (USA)
INTA (Argentina), University of São Paolo, (Brazil), Embrapa, (Brazil), CATIE (Costa Rica)
U.Gamal Abdel Nasser, Conakry (Guinea), Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar (Senegal), University of Pretoria (South Africa)
Chinese Agricultural Academy of Science, Beijing (China)
American University of Beirut (Lebanon), Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary), Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, Rabat (Morocco), Trinity College
Dublin (Ireland), University of Barcelona (Spain), University of Porto (Portugal), Utrecht University (Netherlands), Wageningen University (Netherlands), Abo Akademy (Finland), Würzburg University (Germany) and Hochschule Ruhr West (Germany).
The EXPLORE#4 AAP funds compensation packages, made up of :
- a daily allowance, variable according to the country of destination (see Arrêté du 3 juillet 2006 fixant les taux des indemnités de mission), capped at 30 daily allowances,
- reimbursement of transportation costs (based on actual expenses and limited to 1 round trip per beneficiary) up to a maximum (see below):
Distance... Ceiling (distance between start and end points calculated with the 'a tool developed by the European Commission.- From 0 to 999km ...600€.
- From 1,000 to 7,999km... €1,300
- More than 8,000km €2,000
Assessment criteria
- Consistent with the "Nourish - Care - Protect" scientific vision , and open to all themes/disciplines that can contribute to it;
- Exploratory and structuring nature of the application, presenting added value for the P.E.I. (reinforcement of excellence, acquisition of new skills, innovation), including for requests for staff mobility not directly related to these themes;
- Stimulating the openness of Montpellier's communities to international collaboration by enhancing the partnership networks of institutions dedicated to the international stage and by developing collaborations with public or private stakeholders in the fields of training, research and development, or for pedagogical and organizational innovation;
- Collaborative effect induced within the P.E.I. through group mobilities potentially involving several P.E.I. training and/or research structures. A commitment to the exchange on the part of the hosting and outgoing structures is expected, particularly in terms of mobilized human and financial resources. Collaboration between training/research structures involved in the P.E.I. will be particularly appreciated.
Funding for mobility for the sole purpose of attending a symposium or conference is excluded from the EXPLORE call for projects.
After an administrative analysis of the applications by the International Relations Department, they will be forwarded for evaluation to the EXPLORE evaluation committee, chaired by UM's Vice-President in charge of International Relations and made up of members of the Academic Council (CAC) of
l'UM, the directors of the 5 MUSE clusters ( Research ), LabEx representatives and representatives of the P.E.I. partner institutions. The committee will produce an evaluation of the eligible applications and propose a ranking to be submitted to UM's Strategic Investment Committee (COMIS).
Applications must be submitted in PDF format and named as follows NomPorteur_EXPLORE4 before December 2, 2022 (12:00 Paris time) by email.
- Full application form
- Letter of support endorsed by the director of the applicant's teaching and/or research institution, or by the supervisor in the case of administrative staff
- Letter of invitation from the director of the host teaching and/or research institution Incomplete applications will not be examined.
- Launch date of call for applications: October 28, 2022
- Application deadline: Friday, December 2, 2022 (12:00 Paris time)
- Announcement of results: during January 2023
- Mobility commitments: from February 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 at the latest