University care center

The Montpellier University Health Center (Centre de Soins Universitaire de Montpellier - CSU) is an inter-institutional service run by the University of Montpellier, giving all students access to primary care services. It offers consultations without advance payment (tiers payants intégral) with a team of professionals: general practitioners, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, physiotherapists, etc. The CSU's general practitioners also perform voluntary termination of pregnancy (IVG) with medication. It also provides students with information on schemes to improve access to prevention and care in France.

To receive treatment without having to pay the consultation fees in advance, you must bring :

  • your student card or certificate of enrolment for the current year,
  • your carte vitale or valid social security certificate,
  • your complementary health insurance card (mutuelle) or complementary health insurance certificate (C2S).

Appointments for consultations can only be made by telephone on 04 11 28 19 79. Please state your surname, first name, student number and school of origin.

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