Students and disabilities

Two essential services for your business

The preventive medicine service (SCMPPS) and the Handiversity service work closely together to help you succeed in your training at the UM.

Complementing each other in their missions, they are your privileged contacts for information, assessment of your situation, recommendations for suitable adaptations where feasible, and monitoring of their implementation in your component.

Handiversity service

  • It welcomes you, informs you and accompanies you on your training path.
  • It coordinates the implementation and monitoring of study and examination/competition accommodations.
  • It takes part in discussions on campus accessibility and digital tools.
  • It helps to raise awareness of disability and its specific features within the university community.

Preventive medicine service (SCMPPS)

  • Welcomes you, informs you and provides you with medical support.
  • Evaluates the disability during a diagnostic medical visit to define recommendations for accommodations for studies, examinations and/or competitive examinations.
  • Composed of doctors authorized by the Commission des Droits et de l'Autonomie des Personnes Handicapées (CDAPH), nurses, psychologists...
  • Issues an opinion on exam/competition accommodations. These arrangements are the subject of a decision signed and notified by the President of the UM or his representative.
Need accommodations for studies and/or exams?
  1. On the registration form, complete the "declare a disability" section.
  2. As soon as you have registered or re-registered for administrative reasons, go to your ENT, "Handy" tab, to make your request.
  3. Contact the preventive medicine department (SCMPPS) and the Handiversity department.


All requests for exam and/or study accommodations must be made before November 30 each academic year via the Handy application.

Those who have not yet made a request may do so for the2nd semester before March1 of the current year.

In all cases, you must submit your request via the HANDY application, from your ENT ("Schooling" tab, "Handy" thumbnail).

How to request examination accommodations :

(Decree no. 2021-1480 of November 12, 2021 on the organization of preparatory classes for the grandes écoles and the continuity of test arrangements for higher education examinations or competitions for candidates with disabilities).

  • This is my first request for accommodation at the University of Montpellier:
    • I must make an appointment with the preventive medicine department to assess my situation and define the examination arrangements I need.
  • I'm still enrolled in the same course or training cycle and I'd like to renew the arrangements I benefited from last year:
    • A medical check-up with the preventive medicine department is no longer required. My accommodations will remain unchanged, provided I submit a request in the Handy application. If the accommodations are no longer adapted to the exam regulations, new accommodations will be proposed.
  • I am still enrolled in the same course or training cycle and would like to change my accommodation :
    • I must make an appointment with the preventive medicine department to reassess my situation and define the examination arrangements I need.
  • I'm changing course or training cycle:
    • I must make an appointment with the preventive medicine department to reassess my situation and define the examination arrangements I need.

Each request for accommodations for studies and/or exams or competitions is studied by a team made up of the preventive medicine service and the Handiversity service. The team can call on other university professionals to provide an informed and unambiguous response to requests: teachers, school staff, SCUIO-IP. It can also call on any external partner deemed necessary (specialized establishments or services, experts, MDPH, Crous).

Disability focal points in faculties, schools and institutes

There are disability relays in each educational component, in liaison with the preventive medicine and Handiversité departments. As soon as you receive notification of your accommodation, inform the teaching and administrative staff in your department.

Apprenticeships, continuing education

Apprenticeship - CFA EnSup-LR

Apprenticeship contracts are part of initial training. The procedures for requesting accommodations are therefore identical to those for students in "conventional" courses.
If you need specific accommodations in the workplace linked to your disability, your employer should contact either AGEFIPH (private sector) or FIPHFP (public sector).

Tel : 04 34 43 21 30
More info

Continuing education

The Continuing Education Department (SFC) is aimed at people (employees, jobseekers, self-employed professionals, etc.) who have interrupted their studies and wish to acquire or develop a qualification, or enhance their professional experience.

It provides support aimed at integrating people with disabilities into the University of Montpellier's training programs:

  • Individualized welcome by the disability advisor.
  • Implementation of adaptations.
  • Follow-up and assessment at the end of training.

Courriel référent handicap
Tel: 04 99 58 52 71 / 04 34 43 21 93
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Would you like to continue or resume your doctoral studies?
If you hold a Master's degree, are enrolled in a Master's program or equivalent, and have been recognized as disabled by the CDAPH, you can apply for a doctoral disability contract at

Successful candidates will benefit from a three-year contract, conditional each year on re-registration with the doctoral school.

The UM supports you


Committed to the inclusion and support of people with Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NDD) - including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - the University of Montpellier is taking part in the national Atypie-Friendly program. 

More info

Information, orientation and professional integration (SCUIO-IP)

SCUIO-IP will help you build your training path through to professional integration.

More info

Bureau d'Aide à l'Insertion Professionnelle (BAIP) / Handiversity

  • Research for targeted internships, jobs or work-study programs, visit the page dedicated to disabilities on the professional network ResUM (UM's professional network).
  • Specific disability workshop. This workshop complements the other modules offered by SCUIO-IP (CV, covering letter, interviews, etc.).

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Internships: requests for accommodation and/or adaptations

In order to benefit from accommodations and/or adaptations to your workstation during your internship, you must meet one of the following conditions:

  • Be recognized as a disabled worker (RQTH) by the Commission des droits et de l'autonomie des personnes handicapées (CDAPH).
  • Hold a disability card.
  • Be in receipt of the Allocation aux Adultes Handicapés (AAH) or the Allocation d'Education de l'Enfant Handicapé (AEEH).

Contact your host organization and the Handiversité department as soon as possible.

If you are doing your internship in a department or laboratory of the University of Montpellier, the Handiversité service can pay the internship fee.
It is up to the internship organization to contact the Handiversité service. More information on theintranet.

Tel : 04 67 14 41 44

Erasmus + mobility

The Erasmus + program enables students to study or do an internship abroad.
How to benefit :

  1. Contact the Bureau des Relations Internationales (BRI) at your university.
    Tell them about any special needs you may have due to your disability.
  2. Make an appointment with the Handiversité department to follow up your application.
    Together with the Direction des Relations Internationales (DRI) and your component, it will act as a link with the host university.

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Sport (SUAPS)

The Service Universitaire des Activités Physiques et Sportives offers nearly 40 activities, some of which can be adapted to suit students with disabilities.

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You can also take part in recreational or competitive handisport activities.
Find out more on the HandiSport website of the Occitanie regional committee.

Art & culture

The service offers events and artistic workshops. Some events can be translated into French sign language or audio description.

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University libraries (BU)

The UM's 12 university libraries are managed by the common documentation service, which offers you a range of services tailored to your needs.

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Scholarships, social assistance, housing, catering (Crous)

Higher education grants: applications for grants and/or accommodation are made via the "Dossier Social Étudiant". There is no age limit for disabled students. They also benefit from three additional years of scholarship entitlement.

Catering: all Resto'U restaurants and cafeterias are accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Accommodation: some halls of residence and university residences offer accessible accommodation for students with disabilities.
Click here to apply for accessible accommodation.

Social services: based at the Crous and at university sites (Montpellier, Nîmes, Perpignan), social service assistants welcome students, whatever their course of study. They listen, support, inform and advise students, and direct them to the various existing social aid services.

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The Handiversité department is recruiting for student jobs

Note-taking assistance, exam secretarial services, subject and methodological tutoring, travel assistance...

Advertisements are sent to your corporate e-mail addresses, so don't hesitate to apply!

Useful links

Departmental Homes for the Disabled (MDPH)

The Maisons Départementales des Personnes Handicapées (MDPH)* are responsible for welcoming and supporting people with disabilities and their families.

There is an MDPH in each département, acting as a one-stop shop for all procedures relating to various disability situations.

* MDPHs are now integrated into Maisons Départementales de l'Autonomie (MDAs)

Hérault : More info

Other departments : More info

Ministry of Higher Education and Research website

Welcome and support, career guidance and integration... all the information you need for your day-to-day student life.

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National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA)

Its mission is to finance aid for disabled people, and to guarantee equal treatment throughout France for all types of disability.

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Information and service site for anyone concerned by disability (online assistance, thematic information, products and services database, etc.).

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Health, social & disability See more

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