LUM: UM's science and society magazine

"Three times a year, Lum invites you to meet its researchers, teachers and students, all players in a world under construction whose elementary particle is knowledge. To follow them in their quest for solutions in the service of mankind or at the bedside of the planet, is to shed light on the complex issues that weave our world. We'll see them producing or disseminating knowledge, generating innovation, nurturing civic action: in short, contributing every day to making the university a fully-fledged player in society. A player you will discover in the following pages, perhaps in a new light."
Philippe Augé, President of the University of Montpellier

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UM visual identity


The University of Montpellier logo is inspired by the emblem of the Guilhem dynasty, founders of the city of Montpellier. In 1181, Guilhem VIII granted the city a right that would influence its destiny: the freedom to teach medicine. From then on, university teaching was established and scientific and economic life developed around the university.

The University of Montpellier logo draws on the heritage of this founding dynasty. It symbolizes the shared history and heritage of the entire university community. Its shape, reminiscent of a seal or a revisited emblem, underlines the historical roots of an 8-century-old university as much as its modernity (crenellated exterior).

The interior elements illustrate interdisciplinarity and outreach. Finally, the color red is intended to appeal to students, making it easier for them to identify with the "Université de Montpellier" label.

Graphic charter

The University of Montpellier's graphic charter lays the foundations of the institution's graphic universe and identifies a certain number of standards to be respected to guarantee its integrity (rules for logo use, typographical codes, etc.).

The purpose of the graphic charter is to guarantee the visual coherence of the University of Montpellier. It should enable the institution to be easily identified by its various stakeholders and the general public.

Photo library

The University of Montpellier makes available to the widest possible audience photos representative of its heritage and activities. The photo library is managed by the University of Montpellier's Communications Department and is designed to :

  • build up a collection of images that can be used for communication purposes and/or to promote the university,
  • manage the use of these images while ensuring legal compliance with image rights.

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