Educational innovation

At the University of Montpellier, educational innovation is now a reality.

The years of the MUSE I-SITE have been seminal in this respect. Innovating in teaching means encouraging a change in attitude on the part of those involved in university education. It also means transforming the spaces in which teaching takes place, and experimenting with new, ever more innovative methods.

It represents a profound shift in the usual paradigms of knowledge transmission, with the aim of fostering the professional development of teachers and integrating students into the process.

But innovation also means transmitting and disseminating, and to do this we need to observe transformations and measure the impact of implementation. This innovative approach to teaching is part of the training strategy put forward by the President of the University of Montpellier and implemented by the VP CFVU. It is embodied in the creation of the Service Commun de Soutien à l'Innovation Pédagogique.

The Centre de Soutien aux Innovations Pédagogiques (CSIP): stimulating change

Building on the experience gained during the I-SITE MUSE years, the CSIP is firmly committed to working alongside teachers and lecturers who are keen to transform their teaching methods.

The CSIP is a vision, since without denying transmissive teaching methods, it is around interactive teaching methods that combine students, teachers, researchers, teaching spaces and technologies that its mission is carried out. The aim is to facilitate the co-construction of skills and knowledge.

CSIP's core value is to implement pedagogies centered on human interaction, because learning is a path of life where a multitude of pedagogical opportunities intersect, meet and share.
Last but not least, CSIP's approach is one of experimentation, rooted in the reality of 21st century teaching.

The Observatory of Pedagogical Transformation (OTP)

The OTP conducts studies to better understand the pedagogical practices of university teachers, how they are changing and what impact they have on student success. Students' perceptions of teaching practices are at the heart of these studies. They are carried out at the service of teachers and in collaboration with them.

Educational innovation See more