Companies and campus
Since 2018, the University of Montpellier and its partners in the I-Site Excellence Program (PEI) have been involved in setting up partnerships between the Research PEI units and companies, through the " Companies And Campus " program.
The aim of the program
- Facilitate the establishment of new partnerships, including the arrival of company employees or those with business start-up projects, in research structures around a topic of common interest.
- Support innovation by enabling companies to benefit from the latest innovations from public research.
- Improve exchanges between public research and the socio-economic world.
Who can participate in the Companies and Campus program?
This program is aimed at the 120 research units of the I-Site Excellence Program (PEI) partners, as well as the departments of the University Hospital Federations (FHU), Montpellier and Nîmes University Hospitals and the Montpellier Cancer Institute.
The project must therefore be carried out by one of the 16 PEI partners, in collaboration with a private partner (an existing company or a business start-up).
Winners of the Companies and Campus program
Winners 2023/2024
- CRISTEST project - LMGC/CRISTALENS Industrie To design new accommodative intraocular implants offering 3 dioptres of accommodation to treat cataracts.
- IEIV Project(Exalted TIRF Imaging applied to Pathogenic Virus Identification) - IRIM /Abbelight IRIM / Abbelight: to design slides specially designed for Abbelight's microscope.
- SENALINORINF project -IBMM/AMBIOTIS Enantioselective synthesis of linotrins and study of their role in resolving inflammation.
- 3D-4-Pedia Project -Nîmes University Hospital/MB THERAPEUTICSDevelopment of an innovation for the TIRFM microscope market, and implementation of tools for research questions.
- EVOLBSAB project -BIOCAMPUS/ ALNAIR BIOPHARMA: Development of a bispecific antibody format focused on evaluating the efficacy of new bispecific antibody formats in various applications, including targeting multiple myeloma.
Winners 2022/2023
- RECOMPOSE project - BIOWooEB/ CARAYON Menuiserie : Recycling wood waste from joinery into biocomposite materials for the home.
- TRONK DX Project - IRMB / NK Diagnostics: Trogocytosis by natural killer (NK) cells in diagnostics.
- Project CONSEQUENCES RENAL INSUFFICIENCY - MMDN / RD-Nephrology Consequences of chronic renal failure on brain dysfunction.
- PHENORECYCLE project - ICGM / SAINT GOBAIN RECHERCHE Recyclability of phenolic resin depolymerization residues.
- PRECRIME-PLUS project - LIRMM / Bfore.Ai Graph Pattern Mining applied to DNS fraud detection.
- REGENAmel project - IBMM / PIERRE FABRE Development and characterization of innovative solutions for dental remineralization.
- SENOCHONDRO3D Project - IRMB / HCS PHARMA Setting up a preclinical model of osteoarthritic cartilage combining a hydroscaffold and senescent chondrocytes for high-throughput identification of osteoarthritis serotherapies.
- EPI-VIR project - IRIM / VOXCAN: Miniaturized respiratory epithelia and innovative tools for studying and characterizing antivirals.
- DIAPASON Project - MARBEC / EDF SA Simulation par apprentissage profond du comportement des oiseaux marins : évaluation de l'impact des parcs éoliens en mer / Deep learning of seabird trAjectory for imPact AssesSment of Offshore wiNd.
- SYSVIR Project - ISEM / PHYMEA Development of a system for imaging and automated quantification of the virulence of phytophagous mites on tomato.
Winners 2020/2021
- Water EcoCase Project - CHIMECO / Bioinspir Ecotechnology for the depollution of metal-contaminated effluents using a plant filter to preserve and restore the quality of aquatic systems, and for the recovery of biomass for green and sustainable chemistry.
- MYCINDOOR project - LSTM (IRD) / Futura Gaia Optimization of the productivity of an agricultural solution in a controlled environment based on living soil by qualitative and quantitative management of mycorrhizal fungi communities collected from thyme plants in the Occitanie region.
- Nkab Therapy Project - IRMB / MEDXCELL NKAR: Stably confer selectivity to allogeneic Natural Killer (NK) cells, by "arming" them with a modified monoclonal antibody.
- Progeria project - IBMM / ProGeLife To develop therapeutic solutions for rare diseases characterized by accelerated aging.
- MetalVert Project - LSTM / Fertil'Innov Endophytic Bacteria Assisted Phytostabilization of Metallophyte Seeds.
- FENM-AD Project - MMDN / Startup ReST Therapeutics To provide proof of concept of the efficacy of FENM as a second-generation neuroprotectant in Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative pathologies.
- TDI-GT Project - IBMM / Startup MT-ACT The new approach aims to target MT detyrosination to positively affect Tau binding and subsequently improve MT integrity. By targeting this totally unexplored mechanism of action (MoA), MT-act aims to provide a neuroprotective approach in glaucoma.
- Project PHARE - EuroMov / Startup DiapyMed To provide diabetic patients with a mobile application capable of enabling them to manage their insulin therapy in a relevant and effective way, without any glycemic accident despite physical activity.
- GOLUM project - EspaceDev / Startup The TeleScop Global observation of the land-sea interface: mangrove monitoring services for end-users.
- Project RUSE - ChimEco / Laboratoires BioProtection The project is based on the study and production of a molecular bouquet with strong repellent properties against arthropod vectors of dreaded infectious diseases (dengue, zika, chigungunya).
- Project ECOLAGON - GM / Startup Line Up Ocean Development of innovative Shore Soft Engineering (SSE) methods for coastal dynamics, where the coast is considered as a complete hydro-morpho-ecobiological system.
- BeatMove project - EuroMov / Startup BeatHealth For the first time, the project aims to broaden the scope of our rhythm-based applications. Obesity has been identified as a prime target before considering other chronic diseases.
- CS-LYASE project - PhymedExp / Oenobrands The research project is based on the study of exogenous C-S lyase enzymes whose direct use in winemaking and brewing could bypass the low activity of conventional yeasts and thus increase the conversion of thiol precursors into volatile thiols.
Winners 2018/2019
- ADNe Indicators project - UMR MARBEC / SPYGEN: create new indicators of biodiversity in the marine environment based on environmental DNA.
- SOFT BEACH Project - GEOSCIENCES/ BRL Ingénierie SOFT BEACH: research and development into the design of intelligent structures to protect sandy beaches.
- PEACE Project - CEFE / ZOO DE BEAUVAL To propose a new approach to Asian elephant protection strategies outside existing protected areas.
- PRECISIONMEDMM project - IGH / DIAD2TEC The PRECISIONMEDMM project aims to develop new therapeutic tools to improve the management of patients with multiple myeloma.
- ZEBRAVAR Project - IGF / start-up DIAGN'CELL ZEBRAVAR project: to develop systematic methods for assessing cardiac activity disorders with a view to optimizing the genetic diagnosis of cardiac disorders.
- DISUCOG Project - EUROMOV / SEMAXONE DISUCOG project: to develop software associated with a brain/computer interface enabling real-time monitoring of psycho-physiological and cognitive states in humans.
- PIC project UMR ITAP / FRUITION SCIENCES PIC project: to develop a sampling method for estimating the pre-harvest yield of vineyard plots.
- SALAD CARE Project - LSTM / BACTOLYTIX: develop an innovative biocontrol technique against phytopathogenic lettuce bacteria.
- RETINOCT project - LIRMM / THE START'UP ACUSURGICAL RETINOCT project: to build a robot by coupling the position of the instrument carried by the robot with the position of the microscope and medical imagery, enabling better control of the surgical gesture.
- SALSA Project - ITAP / INDATECH The SALSA project aims to improve the performance and cost of a multispectral probe already developed by Indatech Chauvin Arnoux, by integrating a wavelength-tunable illumination system based on Digital Light Processing technology.
- The GENETIC ANOMALIES project - IRMB / STEM GENOMICS The IRMB / STEM GENOMICS project: to develop a new mesenchymal stem cell test with the support of IRMB teams, at the forefront of regenerative medicine research, with developments for chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and chronic rheumatic diseases.
- SPINSTIM project - LIRMM / SPINOFF NEURINNOV The SPINSTIM project aims to develop palliative solutions for severe deficiencies of bladder and bowel functions that have reached a therapeutic impasse, and to respond fully to the current challenges of public health and an ageing population.
- NEOCEAN Project - ISEM / SPINOFF NEOCEAN NEOCEAN project: to develop a new hydrofoil boat technology based on biomimicry, and finalize the development of the flying boat's definitive prototype.