Regional, national and international schemes
Our ambition is to attract top-level scientists and facilitate the integration of high-potential young scientists.
To enhance the international scientific excellence and attractiveness of the Montpellier site, the I-SITE "Montpellier Université d'Excellence" has set up an attractiveness program. This will enable us to welcome international researchers with the support of regional, national and international schemes (ATIP-AVENIR, MOPGA, UNESCO) or guest scientists at the MAK'IT Institute for Advanced Studies.
This program is supported by the Occitanie Region and the French government for MoPGA winners.
Each proposal is judged on the excellence of the candidate's track record, his or her ability to rapidly take on scientific responsibilities, and the strategic or structuring interest of the project for the University of Montpellier and its I-SITE MUSE partners. Each Chair, lasting a maximum of 3 years, will be dedicated to hosting the candidate, remunerating him or her and/or providing an environment that will contribute to the implementation of his or her research project.
MUSE Chairs
Johanna Calderon

A researcher in neuropsychology and psychiatry at Harvard University until 2020, Johanna Calderon, took up a MUSE Attractiveness Chair at the University of Montpellier in neurodevelopment of congenital heart pathologies within the PhyMedExp research unit (UM,Inserm, CNRS, CHU Montpellier) in January 2021.
Julie Josse

From Ecole Polytechnique, Inria researcher Julie Josse, a specialist in causal inference, is set to join the Institut Desbrest d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique (IDESP), one of UM's new research structures under the 2021-2026 contract.
Alpha Keita

Recruited by TRANSVIHMI and CERFIG in 2018 and based at UM since 2020, Alpha Kabinet Keita holds a medical degree from the University of Conakry (Guinea) and a doctorate in infectiology (AMU). He heads a research program on the Ebola virus and is one of 54 "ambassadors" for the Next Einstein Forum, a platform that links science, society and politics in Africa and the rest of the world - for human development.
Fabienne Remize

A specialist in wine microorganisms, biologist Fabienne Remize, who will remain at the Université de la Réunion until December 2020, will move to the Université de Montpellier in January 2021 to head a major unit, the UMR Sciences pour l'œnologie (SPO: Université de Montpellier, Inrae, Institut Agro - Montpellier SupAgro) as part of the MUSE I-SITE attractiveness program.
RandalL J. Wisser

Randall J. Wisser, an internationally renowned quantitative geneticist, joined INRAE in January 2021 as Research Director at the Laboratoire d'Ecophysiologie des Plantes sous Stress Environnementaux in Montpellier, France, to work on new partnerships at the interface of quantitative genetics and cereal ecophysiology. This arrival follows an EXPLORE mobility, MUSE's international mobility program.
Attractiveness of ATIP-AVENIR researchers
Maud Borensztein
After a post-doc at the University of Cambridge (UK) and two years as a research fellow at the Institut Curie in Paris, Maud Borensztein joins the IGMM (UM, CNRS) in December 2020. Supported by MUSE and FRM and ATIP-AVENIR funds, she is starting up her team and funding work to better understand the epigenetic mechanism of X chromosome reactivation in female germ cells (oocyte).
Jakub GRUSZCZYK, ATIP-AVENIR winner, will be joining UMR CBS (UM, CNRS, Inserm) in December 2020 to take up a junior chair in environmental health issues. His research project focuses on the structural characterization and function of the signaling pathway involved in the detoxification of chemical pollutants in humans. More information coming soon.
Karim MAJZOUB, currently a researcher in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie program (Inserm), is an ATIP-AVENIR 2020 winner. He will join the IGMM (UM, CNRS) in July 2021 to set up and lead a team that will focus on original research targeting interactions between the viral genome (DNA for HBV, RNA for HDV) and the cellular proteins required for replication and persistence of these viruses in the hepatocyte.
Attractiveness of MOPGA researchers in partnership with the State and the Occitanie Region
Carol Lee
Arriving from the University of Wisconsin (USA) in summer 2019, Carol Lee is developing her Rapid Evolutionary Responses to Global Transformations in Salinity and Temperature project at UMR MARBEC (CNRS, Ifremer, IRD, UM) in collaboration with CEFE (CNRS, EPHE, INRA, IRD, SupAgro, UM, UM3) as part of the MOPGA program.
Delphine Renard
After a Post-doc at the University of California (USA), Delphine Renard has been developing, since January 2018, within the Centre for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology (CEFE, CNRS/UM) a new perspective on the contributions of agrobiodiversity in reducing the impact of agricultural production on climate instability and shocks with the ASSET AgrobiodiverSity for a food-Secure PlanET project conducted as part of the Make our Planet Great Again Program. She is now a full researcher at the CNRS.
Vincent Vadez
Back from IRCISAT in India, Vincent Vadez is developing the ICARUS research project within UMR DIADE (IRD / UM) to find answers to the dual problem of drought and climate change on plants, particularly cereals, in order to understand how they can better regulate water losses. This project is part of the Make our Planet Great Again program.
UNESCO Chair in partnership with the Occitanie Region
Edgar Morin
French philosopher and anthropo-sociologist, the modern thinker of Complexity, Edgar Morin, has published no less than 40 books in his career, translated worldwide. Emeritus research director of the CNRS and Doctor Honoris Causa of several international universities, Edgar Morin has been, with his UNESCO Chair on Complexity since December 2018 at the University of Montpellier to reflect on the societal issues carried by the MUSE I-SITE.