International partnerships
The University of Montpellier has a long-standing tradition of international openness, reflected in its numerous academic partnerships, mobility programs and scientific collaborations. First and foremost at European level, our institution has an active exchange policy as part of the Erasmus+ program.
We welcome students from most European countries, and the number of incoming and outgoing international students has been rising steadily in recent years. The UM is also developing double degrees that enable our students and international students to broaden their professional opportunities. Thanks to its numerous cooperation agreements, the UM also welcomes lecturers and administrative staff from all over the world.

UM's strategic partnerships
The creation of a strategic partnership enables close collaboration with a limited number of institutions, creating a strong synergy between these partners and the University of Montpellier. Strategic partnerships are unique in that they involve every faculty at our university. The projects developed include all facets of university collaboration, such as student exchanges, scientific exchanges for students and professors, co-supervision of theses, scientific collaborations, trainee exchanges, creation of joint programs, participation of students and professors in summer schools, creation of study and research chairs, organization of scientific symposia and organizational management. Our strategic partners are theUniversity of Barcelona, theUniversity of Heidelberg and theUniversity of Sherbrooke.
Since March 2017, the French government has confirmed the choices of the international jury responsible for selecting the winners of the IDEX-ISITE call for projects. The MUSE "Montpellier Université d'Excellence" project is one of these winners and is led by the University of Montpellier.
This project mobilizes the strengths of 19 institutions towards a common ambition: to make Montpellier one of the European capitals of health, agri-environment and ecology-environment (themes: nourish, care, protect) and a veritable European portal for scientific cooperation concerning the countries of the South. The preferred strategic international partners are naturally those with which the members have strong scientific ties: theUniversity of Heidelberg (Germany), theUniversity of Barcelona (Spain), theUniversity of Wageningen (Netherlands) andUC Davis(USA).
In cooperation with research organizations, UM also strives to support its staff in their efforts to build international research networks of excellence, particularly in Europe, North America and Japan.
The existing collaboration between the consortium members is thus strengthened by a dynamic that combines the project's development and implementation policy with UM's International Relations policy.
Erasmus + partnerships
International agreements can be drawn up within the framework of the ERASMUS+ program, European Erasmus Mundus programs, the Bureau de la Coopération Internationale (BCI Québec), or as part of inter-university cooperation programs run by our university.
All these agreements and programs support UM's international strategy by promoting student and staff mobility, and providing a favorable framework for academic and scientific cooperation.
procedure for establishing a double degree
To find out more, contact your component or the cooperation department of the University of Montpellier.
Procedure for establishing an international partnership
These can be training partnerships (exchanges, double degrees, delocalized degrees, etc.) or research partnerships. Whatever type of partnership you wish to set up, you need to draw up and sign an agreement. It sets out the terms and conditions specific to each project. This document is an administrative and legal document, binding on both parties. At the UM, only the President is authorized to sign it.
Contacts for partnership requests: the cooperation department of the University of Montpellier's International Relations Department will provide you with information and support in setting up your international partnerships.
International networks
The University of Montpellier is part of a number of international networks that enhance its reputation:
AUF (all continents)

The Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) is an international association that offers its member institutions a powerful tool for sharing and capitalizing on experience, facilitating the structuring of educational and scientific offerings, exchanges, the implementation of inter-university projects and support for scientific projects.

The European University Association (EUA) represents the universities and national conferences of university presidents in 47 European countries.
With over 850 members, the EUA plays a major role in defining the European Union's policies on higher education, research and innovation.
Coimbra Group

A university network founded in 1985, its aim is to bring together long-established, multidisciplinary universities of the highest international standards.
e-OMED (Mediterranean region)

The "Open Digital Space for the Mediterranean" project aims to gradually build a digital space open to all players (countries, institutions and individuals) in the Union for the Mediterranean (UPM).
Its aim is to preserve and enhance the legacy of the Mediterranean civilization inherited from the Egyptians, Assyrians, Hebrews, Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans and Arabs, by making the most of the powerful tools of the Internet, digital technology, information and communication technologies, and virtual communities of exchange and sharing.

UNIMED, Union des Universités de la Méditerranée, founded in October 1991, is an association of universities in the Mediterranean basin. UNIMED aims to promote university research and training in the Euro-Mediterranean region, contributing to the process of scientific, cultural, social and economic cooperation. UNIMED currently has over 100 members from all over the Mediterranean region and beyond. The UM has been a member of the UNIMED network since 2019.

Campus France is a public establishment responsible for promoting French higher education abroad and welcoming foreign students and researchers to France. It encourages international mobility, manages scholarship programs and coordinates the alumni network.