
Participate in the development and international influence of a Research Center of Excellence on biodiversity in Portugal, by sharing the skills and knowledge available in Montpellier. 

The BIOPOLIS project, funded under phase 2 of the European H2020 Teaming program, aims to transform the CIBIO research laboratory in Porto into a Center of Excellence for Research, Development and Innovation in the fields of biodiversity, agrobiodiversity and ecosystem services.

The project is based on the transfer of skills and capacity building. In other words, the partners are to support the BIOPOLIS research center in its development and overall operation, as well as in its R&D&I activities. 

The University of Montpellier is a partner in the project, alongside the Portuguese research center CIBIO and the Porto Business School. BIOPOLIS is financed to the tune of 15 million euros over 7 years by the European H2020 Teaming program, which aims to develop less advanced areas, in this case northern Portugal, supported by more advanced areas, in this case France.

The project is also receiving 15 million euros in funding from Portugal's Northern Region, as part of the ERDF program.

3 strategic pillars :

  • Environmental and biodiversity assessment and monitoring 
  • Ecosystem functioning, services and restoration 
  • Agrobiodiversity, conservation and competitiveness of local genetic resources and agricultural systems. 

Our actions

Call for projects
  • AAP 2024 recruitment of young researchers
    This call for tenders is part of a European project funded by the H2020 Teaming program ("Biopolis"). The Biopolis project aims to support the development in Portugal of a center of excellence in research, development and innovation in the fields of biodiversity, agro-biodiversity and ecosystem services.
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  • UM-CIBIO joint call for proposals: Education, Research and Outreach: still OPEN
    The aim of this call for proposals is to fund skills transfer activities under WP4 (training and education of Biopolis center of excellence staff), WP5 (development of the center's strategic scientific program) and WP6 (communication, dissemination and exploitation of the center's activities).
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  • AAP 2023 recruitment of PhD students/young researchers
    This call for proposals is aimed at hiring PhD students and young researchers on Teaming project funds managed by the UM (i.e. with hiring by the UM in UMRs partnering the BIOPOLIS project). It paves the way for new collaborations, as the BIOPOLIS project ends in September 2027.
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  • AAP 2022 recruitment of PhD students/young researchers
    This call for proposals is aimed at hiring PhD students and young researchers on Teaming project funds managed by the UM (i.e. with hiring by the UM in UMRs partnering the BIOPOLIS project). It supports projects arising from existing collaborations between Montpellier and CIBIO.
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Advanced course
March 4-8, 2024

This advanced course is organized as part of the European "BIOPOLIS" project between the University of Montpellier and CIBIO. It focuses on bioinformatics/population genomics to study crops, with an emphasis on domestication and adaptation.

It includes an in-person week at CIRAD from March 4 to 8, with presentations, practical sessions and mini research projects on introgressions between rice cultivars. Participants will work remotely with instructors until March 29, presenting their results at the end of the course.

Registrations are open until January 31 by clicking here.


The UMRs involved

List of UMRS

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 857251

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