Doctoral training and HDR
Doctoral schools
The doctoral schools attached to higher education establishments bring together a number of research teams responsible for the training and future of doctoral students. They provide high-level scientific support for future PhDs, as well as preparation for professional integration.
Links with research and the scientific quality of laboratories, doctoral student recruitment procedures and thesis funding policies, supervisory potential and training policies, partnerships with the socio-economic world and incentives for mobility and European and international openness are all decisive criteria for doctoral school accreditation.
Careful implementation of the thesis charter, a moral contract between the doctoral student, his/her thesis supervisor, the doctoral school director and the director of the host laboratory, is a guarantee of quality insofar as it defines the rights and duties of each party. The preparation of a thesis must be part of a personal and professional project, with clearly defined objectives and means.
Law and Political Science - ED 461
The Doctoral School of Law and Political Science is a bi-disciplinary school. Scientific activities are carried out in two main fields: law and political science. The doctoral school belongs to the Université Sud de France Montpellier - Perpignan doctoral college, and complements its training programs.
Doctoral students enrolled at the School can prepare 4 different doctorates:
- Private law and criminal sciences ;
- Public law ;
- History of law and institutions ;
- Political Science.
The Doctoral School of Law and Political Science organizes thesis defenses and, in collaboration with SCUIO-IP, monitors the professional integration of its doctoral students.
Management team
Director: Pr Jérôme Roux
Administration: Sophie Segui / Iwona Brousse
Doctoral School of Law and Political Science
UFR Droit et Science politique
39 rue de l'Université
34060 Montpellier Cedex 2
Montpellier Economics and Management (EDEG) - ED 231
The Montpellier Doctoral School of Economics and Management (EDEG) is the only school offering doctoral training in economics and management sciences in the Languedoc-Roussillon region.
Research priorities are in the fields of economics and management. Management research focuses in particular on finance, marketing, accounting, information systems, human resources and strategy (especially for SMEs), some with a strong agri-food orientation.
EDEG's research activities are organized around three themes:
- Agri-food management,
- New technologies,
- Entrepreneurship and innovation.
Management team
Director: Patrick Sentis
Assistant Director: Philippe Mahenc
Administration: Sabine de Bechevel
Faculty of Economics
Espace Richter
Av. Raymond Dugrand
CS 79706-F
34960 Montpellier cedex 2
Tel: 04 34 43 24 60
Information Structures Systems (I2S) - ED 166
The I2S Doctoral School trains doctoral students in the broad field of hard sciences, covering mathematics, mechanics, physics and information science and technology, with significant exchanges with the life sciences. It brings together all doctoral students in the basic sciences related to information processing, the development of structures and theoretical concepts, or the study and design of systems in the Montpellier region. 7 doctoral specialties are offered within the I2S Doctoral School:
- Biostatistics,
- Electronic,
- IT,
- Mathematics and modeling,
- Mechanical and civil engineering,
- Physics,
- Automatic systems and microelectronics.
Management team
Director: Pr Pascal Nouet
Administration: Caroline Drap-Mahou and Laetitia Bayle-Chabbert
I2S - ED 166
University of Montpellier
Place Eugène Bataillon
34095 Montpellier cedex 05
Tel. +33 (0)4 67 14 97 12 / 96 24
Languages, Literatures, Cultures, Civilizations (LLCC) - ED 58
ED 58 federates 11 research teams, bringing together some 440 teacher-researchers and researchers and 480 doctoral students. It prepares 34 doctoral specialties in the fields of Letters, Languages, Arts and Human and Social Sciences. In compliance with the decree of August 7, 2006, the ED ensures that doctoral students enjoy the best possible conditions for their studies, from registration to the defense and digital filing of their thesis. The ED council, supported by the SEED administrative structure, oversees thesis follow-up, offers mobility assistance, organizes specific scientific events and provides complementary training (disciplinary openness, research methodology, professional integration). It is the first ED in France to offer distance learning courses for isolated and/or salaried doctoral students.
Management team
Manager: Christine Reynier
Administration: Théo Fiteni, Sylvie Fiorio, Annie Metref, Corinne Gilbert
Université Paul-Valéry
Site Saint-Charles
10 rue du Professeur Henri Serre
34090 Montpellier
Telephone: 04 11 75 70 07
Balard Chemical Sciences (SCB) - ED 459
The Balard Chemical Sciences doctoral school is part of the Pôle Chimie Balard, which brings together the vast majority of chemists in Montpellier and the surrounding region. The doctoral school is mono-disciplinary. However, it has strong links with physics (materials), biology (biomolecules) and process engineering. The number of doctoral students is around 275, with 330 researchers and lecturers.
The SCB doctoral school is dedicated to training top-level researchers in all areas of chemistry: life chemistry, drug chemistry, materials chemistry, modeling, membranes, environment and marine chemistry, nuclear fuel cycle, etc. Doctoral training is aimed at all chemical professions in both the private and public sectors.
Management team
Director: Marc CRETIN
Assistant Director: Claire LONGUET
Administration: Charlène ERIMIAN
240 avenue du Professeur Emile Jeanbrau
34090 Montpellier
Tel/Fax: 04 67 14 43 41
Chemical and Biological Sciences for Health (CBS2) - ED 168
The CBS2 doctoral school trains doctors in all areas of Biology-Health, from drug chemistry to the clinic, from genes to behavior. It brings together the region's research potential in the fields of health-related biology and chemistry, supported by clinical teams and major laboratories and institutes. Backed by the Rabelais Cluster, two LABEXs and two Competitive Clusters, it offers training through and for research, and prepares students for careers in both academia and the private sector. With over 470 HDR supervisors and more than 380 doctoral students in nearly 40 laboratories, this doctoral school has been co-accredited since its creation in 1992 by the UM1 and UM2 universities.
The CBS2 Doctoral School is part of the Collège Doctoral Universités Sud de France Montpellier- Perpignan.
Management team
Manager: Sofia Kossida
Administration: Stéphanie Martinetti / Despoina Papadopoulou
Site Triolet
Place Eugène Bataillon
Bâtiment 24 (4ème étage) bureau 65.1
Case courrier 2402
34095 Montpellier Cedex 5
Tel. 04 67 14 40 12
Human Movement Sciences - ED 463
Doctoral School 463 Human Movement Sciences (SMH), co-accredited by Aix-Marseille Université (AMU), Université de Montpellier and Université Côté d'Azur, brings together researchers, teacher-researchers and doctoral students working on the unique theme of human movement and its nervous, physiological, mechanical, behavioral, cognitive and societal determinants. These fields are brought together under a single discipline, the "Sciences of Human Movement".
It brings together inter-regional research teams with complementary disciplinary backgrounds. The SMH doctoral school's thematic proximity and geographical reach ensure its strong positioning on the national map.
Management team
Director: Gilles MONTAGNE (AMU)
Assistant manager: Stéphane PERREY (UM)
Administrative manager: Nathalie ROUSTAN (AMU)
Site Marseille
ED 463 Sciences du Mouvement Humain
Université Aix-Marseille Université
Faculté des Sciences du Sport
163, avenue de Luminy - Case 910
13288 Marseille cedex 09
Tél : 04 91 17 04 36
Montpellier site
ED 463 Sciences du Mouvement Humain
Université de Montpellier
700 avenue du Pic St Loup
34090 Montpellier
Tél : 04 34 43 26 23
GAIA (Biodiversity, Agriculture, Food, Environment, Land, Water)
The GAIA Doctoral School (Biodiversity, Agriculture, Food, Environment, Earth, Water) was officially created in July 2015, the result of the merger of ED SIBAGHE (Systèmes intégrés en Biologie, Agronomie, Géosciences, Hydrosciences et Environnement, ED 477) and ED SPSA (Sciences des procédés et des Aliments, ED 306).
ED GAIA is a doctoral school of the University of Montpellier for Life and Environmental Sciences and Science and Technology. It is co-accredited with Montpellier SupAgro and AgroParisTech for Agronomic and Environmental Sciences, and with the Ecole des Mines d'Alès (EMA) for Technological Sciences in the fields of mass-produced materials and the Environment.
The GAIA Doctoral School has almost 500 doctoral students, and will be supported by 6 doctoral programs (defined as the organizational structures of the Doctoral School):
- Agroressources, Procédés, Aliments, Produits; APAB.
- Biologie Des Interactions; BDI.
- Integrative Biology, Plant Diversity and Improvement; BIDAP.
- Ecology, Evolution, Genetic Resources, Paleobiology; EERGP.
- Functional Ecology and Agronomic Sciences; EFSA.
- Earth and Water Sciences; STE.
ED GAIA will position doctoral students as research players at the heart of global questions and issues surrounding Environmental Sciences, Science and Technology, and in tune with the major issues facing society and the socio-economic world as a whole. With this in mind, the ED GAIA will seek to develop doctoral students' capacity for innovation, in conjunction with researchers working at the frontiers of the disciplines developed within the doctoral programs.
Management team
Director: Valérie MICARD
Assistant Directors: Soazig GUYOMARC'H, Eric BLANCHART, Sophie GAUDRIAULT, Patrice DAVID, Bruno DHUIME, Stéphane PEYRON
Administration: Cendrine JAY-ALLEMAND, Aida LEFEVRE
GAIA - ED 584
Case Courrier 053
Place Eugène Bataillon
Bâtiment 13 / 3ème étage
34095 Montpellier cedex 5
Tel: +33 (0) 4 67 14 36 00
Territories, Time, Societies and Development (TTSD) - ED 60
The Territoires, Temps, Société et Développement doctoral school trains PhDs in Archaeology, Egyptology, Ethnology, Geography, Psychology, Management Science, Information and Communication Science, Political Science, Sociology and STAPS.
Its fields of expertise are Life and Environmental Sciences on the one hand, and Human and Social Sciences on the other.
It comprises 9 Research units, including 4 UMRs.
Management team
Manager: Nathalie BLANC
Administration: Théo Fiteni, Sylvie Fiorio, Annie Metref, Corinne Gilbert
Université Paul-Valéry
Site Saint-Charles
10 rue du Professeur Henri Serre
34090 Montpellier
Tel: 04 11 75 70 07
University of Montpellier Doctoral College
The main mission of the Collège Doctoral de l'Université de Montpellier (CD-UM) is to support doctoral students throughout their doctoral research by providing them with cross-disciplinary professional training to help them identify their future career plans, locally, nationally and/or internationally. One of the objectives is to enhance the career profiles of doctoral students in all socio-economic and cultural sectors. More specifically, the CD-UM aims to:
- offer doctoral students excellent professional training, with the guarantee of quality training;
- strengthen the interdisciplinarity and internationalization of doctoral training;
- prepare doctoral students for their professional careers;
- promote the doctorate to the socio-economic world and to civil society.
The doctoral schools have equipped themselves with a common digital tool that dematerializes the management of procedures related to doctoral training (from registration to defense) and enables doctoral students and PhD candidates to enhance their skills within this network. This digital management tool (ADUM: Accès Doctorat Unique et Mutualisé) also enables the CD-UM to organize all the training courses offered to doctoral students each year (tracking registrations, cancellations, validation, evaluation, etc.).
In this way, the Doctoral College of the University of Montpellier reinforces, complements, supports and develops the systems set up in the Doctoral Schools to meet the specifications of the missions defined in the decree of May 25, 2016.
PhD registration
Prepared within a Doctoral School, the doctorate is training for and through research. The doctoral student's research work is carried out under the responsibility of a thesis director within a research unit. The doctorate is prepared in accordance with the amended decree of May 25, 2016.
To enroll in a doctoral program, candidates must hold a master's degree or another diploma conferring the grade of master, and have completed a training program demonstrating their aptitude for research.
If this diploma requirement is not met, the President of the University of Montpellier may, by dispensation and on the recommendation of the Doctoral School Council, enroll in the doctoral program candidates who have completed studies at an equivalent level, or who have benefited from the validation of acquired experience. Registration for a doctorate is authorized by the President of the University of Montpellier on the recommendation of the Director of the Doctoral School, after consultation with the thesis director and the Director of the research unit.
As a general rule, doctoral studies take three years of full-time equivalent research time. In other cases, doctoral studies may take up to six years.
The Doctoral School Director verifies that the scientific, material and financial conditions are in place to ensure the smooth progress of the doctoral student's research and thesis preparation. Candidate admission procedures are defined by the Doctoral Schools.
Registration procedure
Registration fees
The annual registration fee for a national diploma is set by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research Research.
- For 2024-2025, doctoral registration fees will be €391.
Social security
Students enrolling in higher education for the first time are automatically affiliated to a compulsory health insurance scheme.
On the other hand, non-affiliated students enrolling in higher education in France for the first time are required to take the necessary steps. These students are :
- residents of overseas collectivities (New Caledonia or Wallis and Futuna) or born abroad;
- nationals of a country outside the European Union, Switzerland or the European Economic Area.
Once they have paid the CVEC and completed their administrative registration at the UM, they must register on the dedicated website:
More information on theAssurance Maladie website and the website.
CPAM documentation: Memo-etudiants and Memo-etudiants-etrangers
Student and Campus Life Contribution
What is the CVEC?
The CVEC is the Contribution de Vie Etudiante et de Campus (Student and Campus Life Contribution). By law, it is collected by the CROUS. Depending on the situation, you may be liable for it or exempt from it. The CVEC is a contribution "intended to promote the reception and social, health, cultural and sporting support of students and to bolster the preventive and health education actions carried out for their benefit" introduced on July 1, 2018.
Who is concerned (subject to CVEC)?
- Doctoral students in initial training
- Cotutelle PhD students who pay their tuition fees to the University of Montpellier (see cotutelle agreement).
A mandatory process
There are 2 different cases:
- or the PhD student must pay a lump-sum CVEC fee before registering at the University of Montpellier.
- or the doctoral student is exempt.
In both cases, a certificate will be issued, which must be produced at the time of registration.
Who is exempt?
- Refugee doctoral students
- Doctoral students benefiting from subsidiary protection
- Doctoral students registered as asylum seekers and entitled to remain in France
- French government doctoral students (BGF)
When should you take this step?
The doctoral student must pay this contribution upon receipt of the registration authorization e-mail sent by the Doctoral Studies Department.
No refund of the CVEC will be made.
Where can I do this?
- Step 1: Log on to the website
- Step 2: payment (except in the case of exemption). For payment details, consult the CROUS website.
- Step 3: download the attestation you'll need when you register (even if you're exempt): it's compulsory.
Who is not concerned (not subject to CVEC)?
- Co-tutored doctoral students who do not pay their tuition fees to the University of Montpellier but to the partner institution (see co-tutoring agreement).
- Erasmus student (incoming)
- Doctoral students in continuing education, i.e. whose training is paid for by their employer or by a collecting body. For further information, please contact the Continuing Education Department
- No formalities are required (no CVEC certificate to provide).
Complementary teaching assignments
A complaint does not constitute an inquiry. For all inquiries, please contact your Doctoral School or the Doctoral Studies Department.
If you wish to file a claim, please complete the form via the following link:
An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to the e-mail address you entered on the form.
- Doctoral registration guide
- Guide d'inscription en doctorat - Version française
- Change of thesis direction
- Request to stop PhD FR/ENG
- Administrative registration power of attorney FR/ENG
- Joint FR/ENG project
- Supporting documents - Registration in 1st year of doctoral studies
- Supporting documents - Exceptional registration in 1st year of doctoral studies
- Supporting documents - Re-registration for doctoral studies (DSP / ED 58 / ED 60)
- Supporting documents - Re-registration for doctoral studies (CBS2 / EDEG / GAIA / I2S / SCB / SMH)
- Supporting documents - Exceptional re-registration for doctoral studies
Direction de la Research et des Études Doctorales
Service des Etudes Doctorales
Campus Triolet
Bât. 7 - Case courrier 00404
Place Eugène Bataillon
34090 Montpellier cedex 5
Ludivine CABIT : 04 67 14 94 35
Thibaut MEISSONNIER : 04 67 14 40 23
Zoé FAURE : 04 67 14 94 40
Cotutelles internationales de thèse
You are a future doctoral student and would like to :
- gain international experience,
- carry out your research in two partner laboratories,
- benefit from the supervision of two thesis directors, one from the University of Montpellier and the other from a foreign institution.
You can obtain a double doctorate from the University of Montpellier and the partner university, based on a single thesis and a single defense, by registering as a cotutelle de thèse in your first year of thesis.
Research work is carried out in alternating periods at each of the two sites.
You will need to be registered at both establishments, but will be exempted from registration fees at one of the two establishments (with the obligation to pay registration fees at the University of Montpellier at least once during the 3-year period).
The International Relations Department's Cooperation Department is responsible for drafting, validating and monitoring the thesis co-supervision agreement.
The future doctoral student must also contact the Doctoral School of his/her thesis supervisor at the University of Montpellier to put together a doctoral registration file.
Service Coopération - Direction des Relations Internationales
163 rue auguste broussonnet
34090 Montpellier
Tel: +33 (0)4 34 43 23 23
Doctoral defense
In accordance with the amended decree of May 25, 2016 setting the national framework for training and the procedures leading to the award of the national doctoral diploma, authorization to present a thesis for defense is granted by the President of the University of Montpellier, after consultation with the director of the Doctoral School, on the proposal of the thesis director.
The candidate's work is examined beforehand by at least two referees, who draw up a written report. The President of the University of Montpellier will base his decision on the opinions of the rapporteurs to authorize the defense.
Organizing the defense is a time-consuming procedure.
The "request for authorization to defend a thesis" must be submitted to the Doctoral School no later than 8 weeks before the date of the defense.
This application includes :
- appointment of rapporteurs: they are given 3 weeks to draw up their report;
- appointment of jury members;
- authorization to defend.
Examination procedure
The application form is prepared via the Adum portal. Once all the mandatory fields have been completed and the doctoral student has validated his/her application, the defense forms will be accessible in his/her personal space.
Amended order of May 25, 2016
The rapporteurs :
2 rapporteurs
- Habilitated to direct research (HDR) or equivalent ;
- external to the supervisory team, the doctoral school and the University of Montpellier;
- no co-publication with the doctoral student.
The Jury :
from 4 to 8 members
- at least half of the professors or equivalent ;
- at least half of the members are external to the doctoral school and the University of Montpellier;
- the Chairman of the Jury is a Professor or equivalent.
The thesis director participates in the Jury but does not take part in the decision-making process. He or she is considered an "internal member" for the purposes of establishing the composition of the Jury.
In the case of a co-tutored thesis, the choice of referees and the composition of the jury must comply with the agreement between the partner universities.
After the defense
Admission (or deferral) is pronounced after deliberation by the jury.
The original defense documents, duly completed and signed, must be returned to the Doctoral Studies Department no later than 15 days after the defense:
- the minutes of the examination;
- the jury's opinion on the digital reproduction of the thesis;
- the defense report ;
- proxies for videoconference jury members (for members concerned).
Links :
Withdrawal of doctoral degrees
Collection from the Doctoral Studies Department: the doctor must present a valid form of identification.
By post: the doctor must send the " Diploma withdrawal form " to the Doctoral Studies Department, together with a copy of his/her valid ID.
Diplomas can be sent abroad to the French embassy or European delegation.
By proxy: the doctor must complete the " proxy for diploma collection " form. The proxy must present the power of attorney, a copy of the doctor's ID and his or her own ID to the Doctoral Studies Department.
- Support guide
- Guide de soutenance - Version française
- University of Montpellier thesis cover
- Cover of co-tutored thesis from the University of Montpellier
- Request for authorization to defend outside the premises of the University of Montpellier
- Request for confidentiality / Request for permission to defend in camera
- Jury member proxy by videoconference
Direction de la Research et des Etudes Doctorales
Service des Etudes Doctorales
Campus Triolet
Bât. 7 - Case courrier 00404
Place Eugène Bataillon
34090 Montpellier cedex 5
Estelle LE GOFF : 04 67 14 49 60
Habilitation to supervise research (HDR)
The "habilitation à diriger des recherches" recognizes the candidate's high scientific level, the originality of his or her approach in a scientific field, his or her ability to master a research strategy in a sufficiently broad scientific or technological field, and his or her capacity to supervise young researchers. In particular, it qualifies candidates for admission to the corps of university professors. Decree of November 23, 1988 on the habilitation to direct research - modified by the decree of February 13, 1992, by the decree of July 13, 1995, by the decree of April 25, 2002.
The habilitation to direct research at the University of Montpellier is organized in two campaigns according to the following schedule:
Autumn campaign 2024-2025
Please note: bi-applicants and hospital practitioners from the Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontology departments can only apply during the spring campaign.
- Electronic submission, only, of the HDR application file by noon on November 27, 2024. No changes can be made after this date. We ask you to pay particular attention to the completeness of your application by referring to the document "HDR application file - detailed list of documents to be provided".
- The DRED forwards the application files to the doctoral schools for preliminary examination and proposal of rapporteurs on December 6, 2024.
- Feedback from doctoral schools on applications to the DRED at the beginning of January 2025.
- Examination of applications and proposal of rapporteurs to the President by the Research Commission sitting in a formation restricted to HDR holders in January 2025.
- DRED notifies candidates of registration decisions in early February 2025. The DRED sends the electronic version of the manuscript and the summary sheet to the referees and contacts the candidates to complete their administrative registration. Candidates send a paper version of their manuscript to the referees.
- Receipt of reports no later than March 10, 2025.
- The "jury proposal" must be submitted to the Direction de la Research et des Études doctorales no later than 3 weeks before the defense (see "Downloads" below).
- Habilitation to direct research must be defended before the end of July 2025.
Spring campaign 2025-2026
Bi-appointed staff and hospital practitioners from the Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontology departments are eligible to apply for this campaign.
- Electronic submission, only, of the HDR application file by e-mail by noon on April 15, 2025. No changes can be made after this date. We ask you to pay particular attention to the completeness of your application by referring to the document "HDR application file - detailed list of documents to be provided".
- The DRED forwards the application files for single doctoral school staff and dual doctoral school staff to the UFR advisory bodies for preliminary examination of applications and proposal of rapporteurs at the beginning of May 2025.
- Feedback on applications to DRED in June 2025.
- Examination of applications and proposal of rapporteurs to the President by the Research Commission sitting in a formation restricted to HDR holders, beginning July 2025.
- DRED notifies candidates of registration decisions mid-July 2025. The DRED sends the electronic version of the manuscript and the summary sheet to the rapporteurs and contacts the candidates to complete their administrative registration. Candidates send a paper version of their manuscript to the referees.
- Reports due by September 8, 2025.
- The "jury proposal" must be submitted to the Direction de la Research et des Études doctorales no later than 3 weeks before the defense (see "Downloads" below).
- Habilitation to direct research must be defended before the end of July 2026.
Staff with dual status are invited to contact their advisory body to prepare their application.
Preparing your application
The application file must include the following documents(HDR application file - Detailed list of required documents ):
- Diplomas allowing registration for the HDR.
- Application for HDR registration.
- Summary sheet in pdf format.
- Dissertation in pdf format, including the text on scientific integrity inserted in the preliminary pages (see HDR application file - Detailed list of documents to be supplied)
- Cover letter.
- Proposed by the rapporteurs.
- Proposal of rapporteurs.
This document must contain only the names of the potential rapporteurs.
It is imperative to ensure the availability of the persons proposed - The date for the return of the reports is common to all candidates. It will be communicated by the doctoral studies department.
The composition of the jury will be requested at a later date.
Withdrawal of HDR diplomas
Collecting the diploma from the Doctoral Studies Department: the diploma holder must present a valid form of identification.
By post: the holder of the diploma must send the document " [ formulaire de retrait du diplôme " to the Doctoral Studies Department, together with a copy of his/her valid ID.
By proxy: the holder of the diploma must complete the proxy form for withdrawal of the diploma. The proxy must present the power of attorney, a copy of the diploma holder's ID and his/her ID to the Doctoral Studies Department.
Registration fees
The annual registration fee for a national diploma is set by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research Research.
- For 2024-2025, the HDR registration fee is €391.
Research and Doctoral Studies Department
Service des Etudes Doctorales
Campus Triolet
Bât. 7 - Case courrier 00404
Place Eugène Bataillon
34090 Montpellier cedex 5
Thibaut MEISSONNIER : 04 67 14 40 23
Barbara VASSENER : 04 67 14 94 39
National campaign for doctoral contracts handicap 2025
Are you a student holding a Master's degree or enrolled in a Master's program or equivalent, and eligible for compulsory employment? Would you like to continue or resume your doctoral studies?
You can benefit from a doctoral disability contract
Since 2011, the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research has been implementing a plan to allocatedoctoral contracts reserved for students with disabilities.
The University of Montpellier attaches great importance to the inclusion of people with disabilities, and is involved in the "handicap doctorate" campaign, showing its support for students with a Master's degree (or enrolled in a Master's degree or equivalent), presenting a thesis project and recognized as beneficiaries of the French "obligation d'emploi" (BOE).
Presentation and terms of the doctoral contract
Successful candidates will benefit from a three-year (36-month) contract, subject to annual re-registration with the doctoral school.
The University of Montpellier is also committed to funding a PhD contract for disabled students from its own resources, in accordance with the provisions of the institution's multi-year Disability Master Plan.
The doctorate must be carried out in a research structure supervised by the University of Montpellier. Students must enroll in one of the 9 doctoral schools at the University of Montpellier. Ainformation sheetindicates the research units and doctoral specialties prepared at the UM.
File creation and timetable
Each year, the calendar and documents are updated and made available in January/February.
Interested candidates should contact a thesis supervisor as soon as possible to present their project.
Interested candidates must contact the Handiversité service before 07/03/2025, the deadline, which will assist them in putting together the file:
- Information and exchange interview: from 03/10 to 03/17/2025.
- Deadline for submitting applications to the Handiversité service: before 03/28/2025.
- Communication of results by the Handiversité service: early July 2025.
Tel: 04 67 14 48 23 or 53
Download information notes and sample files :
Documents to be supplied
- The application file completed and signed by the thesis director, the doctoral school, the research unit and the establishment.
- A curriculum vitae.
- The thesis project (4 pages maximum) including a three-year forecast schedule – relevance and feasibility – statement of motivation.
- Copy of diploma (master's degree or equivalent).
- A copy of the corresponding transcripts.
- Proof of RQTH status: a copy of the notification of the decision to grant RQTH status, or proof of an admissible file currently being processed by the Maison Départementale de l'Autonomie.