Science & society

The UM is committed to a responsible approach to research, with a number of emblematic initiatives:

Libraries and documentation

The University of Montpellier has entrusted its Service Commun de Documentation with the construction and management of a range of documentary resources and services to support you throughout your studies and help you succeed.

Open Science

At the end of 2019, the University of Montpellier will align itself with the national policy for reproducible science. Through this dedicated website, find out about the entire plan implemented by the University, spearheaded by the Vice President of Open Science and Data at Research and made possible by the collaboration between numerous departments and cross-functional divisions.

Scientific culture

Disseminating scientific culture means transmitting knowledge, techniques and know-how between science and society. This is one of the missions of universities, and it's a voluntary initiative that mobilizes the University of Montpellier and its scientific community: researchers, teacher-researchers, doctoral students, ...

University of Montpellier Research Ethics Committee (CER)

The University of Montpellier's Research Ethics Committee was officially set up on February 8, 2022. Its aim is to reinforce the mechanisms put in place by the University of Montpellier to promote awareness and application of ethical and deontological principles in the face of questions raised by scientific progress and its contemporary societal repercussions, whatever the field of research.

The Research Ethics Committee of the University of Montpellier is competent to give consultative ethical opinions on research projects and protocols in all scientific fields, particularly those involving human subjects, elements of private life and data relating to human subjects.

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