University of Montpellier Research Ethics Committee (CER)
The University of Montpellier's Research Ethics Committee was officially set up on February 8, 2022. Its aim is to reinforce the mechanisms put in place by the University of Montpellier to promote awareness and application of ethical and deontological principles in the face of questions raised by scientific progress and its contemporary societal repercussions, whatever the field of research.
The Research Ethics Committee of the University of Montpellier is competent to give consultative ethical opinions on research projects and protocols in all scientific fields, particularly those involving human subjects, elements of private life and data relating to human subjects.
However, projects falling within the scope of Law no. 2012-300 of March 5, 2012 on research involving the human person (known as the "Jardé Law") and its implementing decree no. 2016-1537 of November 16, 2016, and falling within the scope of Articles R.1121-1-1 and R.1121-1-2 of the Public Health Code defining research involving the human person, are, for their part, subject to the jurisdiction of the Committees for the Protection of Individuals (CPP).
Referrals to the UM Research Ethics Committee
1. Who can refer a case to the UM CER?
Research project leaders who are agents of the University of Montpellier and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie, and all agents assigned to a research structure under the primary supervision of the University of Montpellier or the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie.
For users of the University of Montpellier and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie, it is the scientific guarantor (internship tutor, thesis director, scientific referent for the HDR, etc.) who can refer the matter to the UM CER.
2. When to contact the UM CER?
The UM CER is consulted before a project is carried out. It must be notified three to four weeks before the meeting is due to take place.
3. How to contact the UM CER?
The completed submission form must be sent by email.
Would you like to find out more about referring your case to the ERC?
There are a few points to bear in mind when filling in the form:
Data usage :
- Data storage (retention time, practical safeguards, identity of person responsible)
- Data archiving
- Clarification of the procedure for releasing data to the public
Data privacy :
- Data anonymization process/methods
- Data confidentiality management
- Application(s) used for data collection
Details of the project/study :
- Study start date
- Duration of experiment
- Details of the study process
- Order of magnitude of possible revenues
- Protocol according to experimental subjects
- Interview guide / Questionnaire
- Acronym development
Consent :
- More explicit consent
- Written consent of parent or guardian for minors under 15 years of age
- Provide the informed consent form
Information sheet :
- Information for participants
- Adapting information sheets to different audiences
- Indication of possible study hazards in the information leaflet
4. How long does it take for the UM CER to respond?
Ethical advisory opinions are sent to project developers within three weeks of the meeting.
Would you like to find out more about the answers provided by the UM CER?
The CER can issue several types of opinion:
- Positive opinion
- Favourable opinion subject to request for modifications*.
- Unfavorable
- Notice of declaration of incompetence
*You will be notified of any modifications, clarifications or documents you need to provide concerning your research protocol.
To compile your amended file :
- You will need to highlight in the submission form your responses to requests made by the UM CER;
- Tick the "amendment" box;
- Send it by email.
In the words of the CER :
- "Validation by the file's rapporteurs and the Chairman of the Research Ethics Committee": the file will be validated by the Board of Directors once positive responses have been received from the parties concerned.
- "Must be resubmitted to the Research Ethics Committee": the file will be reviewed by the Research Ethics Committee.