Diversity, genomes and micro-organism-insect interactions (DGIMI)

The research carried out by the DGIMI unit uses integrative approaches to decipher the multitrophic interactions between insect pests and their environment, and the mechanisms of host adaptation, with the ultimate aim of improving plant protection against insect pests.

Interactions between the insect (lepidopteran model), its parasites and pathogens, and its host plant, are addressed in the unit through several cross-cutting themes including:

  •  the molecular mechanisms governing these interactions ;
  • their diversity;
  • and the role of associated microbiota.

The DGIMI unit's expertise covers a range of disciplines (microbiology, virology, immunity, functional genomics, population genomics and comparative genomics) applied to the insect model and the study of multitrophic interactions.

Label : Unité Mixte de Research (UMR)
Main supervisors : UM, INRAE
de recherche : Agriculture, Environnement, Biodiversité - AEB
École doctorale
: Biodiversité, Agriculture, Alimentation, Environnement, Terre, Eau
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